》 three 《

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"We say yes"

"Excellent. The wedding will be tomorrow morning. So much to do, much to do!," my father exclaims. I chuckle nervously and look at Jungkook, who wasn't showing any emotions.

"Ah, Taehyung. We already had your suit ready for the day. Remember the day we had to measure you?"

I nodded at my mother. She smiled.

"We just need to measure Jungkook. Francaìs!"

A helper soon scoots over and takes Jungkook away into the fitting rooms. I chuckle at his expression, and look at my mother, who had a warm smile on her face.

"The invitations will be sent out to the kingdom. The decorations we had planned are only needed to be decorated. There will be a godmother and godfather of our choice," my father says. I grin, "Sounds great, father"

"Now shoo along, we have plans. Go with Jungkook for the measurements. Get to know each other a bit more. You guys have only known each other for a week. Remember to qrite your vows."

I chuckle, "Yes father," and I walked over the fitting rooms. Francaìs was measuring Jungkook's tiny waist.

"A white dress shirt and suit with white slacks will be good," I muttered to him. Francaìs smiles and nodded, rushing to get the outfit. I look at Jungkook, who was standing awkwardly.

"Hello, future husband," I said jokingly. He shakes his head with laugh, "It was not what I expected, your majesty"

"Nope, I'm Taehyung to you now, remember? You're turning into a prince just by marrying me," I said smugly. He nods, playing with his fingers as Francaìs changes his outfit in a separate room. I shake my head as I walk out of the room.

I better not fall for him.

Or I would be royally screwed. Unless, my parents wanted that to happen.

Jungkook's POV

"Woah," I said, looking at myself in the mirror. Francaìs chuckled, "Taehyung will be marrying a fine young man. He's been lonely for too long," Francaìs remarks. I nodded, "It fits well. Could I change back now? I don't want it dirty"

"As you wish, future prince," Francaìs chuckles and leaves me to change. I gape at his remark. I would be turning into a prince. Royalty. I barely knew how to eat royally so being a prince may be harder than I think. It's not just about sitting and looking handsome, I thought to myself. But to show you're proud of the hard work. I grinned to myself as I slid on my previous outfit. I just needed to write some vows.

Let's get this party going.

OKAY BEFORE YOU GUYS ATTACK ME WITH "They're going too fast" or, "Why are they choosing who he marries", you guys realize kings used to marry off their daughters and sons right? Well it's the same here, except Taehyung's parents accept him and want him to marry Jungkook to be able to keep the family going. Jungkook is their only hope since even though people accept gays, not many are, or can get pregnant. However, Jungkook can. About the "going too fast", they are only friends at this point. Soon to married, yes, but not in love at the moment. That comes later.

Now shush and read on to figure out what happens.

Royally Screwed •Taekook• [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now