CHAPTER TWENTY: officially friends.

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CHAPTER TWENTY: officially friends.


The Thunder strike making me to walk fast. Heavy drops of rain pounders to the ground. The useless umbrella above my head wasn't helping at all.

How did I ended up in this situation.

Well early in the morning I was called by my mother saying she wants me to sign on this new good and strong materials from England, for her new design. I'd ask countless time why she couldn't come to abuja and sign it, her excuses was that she's busy. She begged me to do it....

So now am suffering under a useless umbrella, am such a fool after seeing the clouds where forming I still went out. I bet it's not raining in lagos that's why she sent me.

And upon having an umbrella my clothes wet. I walk, the rain reduce then increase again. I wonder what upset the cloud today. Cars pass by, a car speed by, the rain water slash on my face, I gaps. this is so unfair. The car stopped, reversing back to where I stood then stop. I don't like this attol, I move faster not wanting any stupid man talk to me.

The car followed me, I walk faster. I bet the guy would ask were am going to. The car kept on following me, I sigh giving up on the man. The car stopped too. The person brought his window down....

Shock, annoyance, happiness creep through me. Haidar grin in front of me.

"what's a pretty lady doing outside the rain" he question with a husky voice. I chuckle coming closer to his car.

"I don't know, can you help me, my umbrella is licking" I bartered my eyelashes he laughed the rain dropping to his skin.

"and why would I want to help a stranger" we both chuckle. I smirk when a thought came to my head.

"how dare you address me like that, can't you see am a road safety member. Give me your papers" I demanded, he chuckle passing me his papers, his lucky i have an umbrella with me. I look at his papers, I swear to God I don't understand anything in this paper, I glance at a smiling haidar.

"your paper expired 2 mounts ago, your in trouble young man. Let's go to my office" I chuckle, he burst into laughter.

"madams i can't take you in my car, it has interior design and your wet. I can't take that risk" he chuckle, I smirk.

"you're disobey the rule of law of a vio, how dare you..... See sef your tire is bad".  He burst into laughter.

"am taking you to my office" he burst into laughter.

"ok na" I went round the car, and entered the car. The warm breeze made me relax and calm. I stare at him, then we burst into laughter.

"how did you know it was me" I asked, he raised an eyebrow.

"because I saw you through the side mirror" I nod, "what where you doing outside the rain". He asked. I groan.

"My mom, she wanted me to do something for her" he hummed, driving slowly, I look at haidar while he focus on the road. He wore a hoodie with a denim trouser. His brows furrowed, this long eyelashes that always makes his eyes small stood out, his nice growing beard that came from the edge of his head and stop at his jawline,his pink lips stayed in a straight line He smirk knowing am checking him out, I quickly face my front

I noticed his going to the path that leads to my home. "arr.... No one is at home". I awkwardly mutter.


"I mean no one's at home"

"oh" he nod.

"You can take me to a restaurant am so hungry" he chuckle. Expecting him to stop at KFC instead he passed going into an estate. He stop at a house. Turning to me.

"welcome to my home" I gasp, the house is so beautiful damn. We got down together, chuck's right, this house is fuckin beautiful. The moment he opened the door I gasp.

Am going to explore his house like fire.

I quickly remove my slippers, bouncing on the couch, with a loud hit.

"your going to destroy my sofa, here go change" I glance at the fresh cloth in his hands, I wonder who's cloth is that, I happily grab the cloth. I stare at him, expecting him to lead me to a room so I can change.

"hello, where do you expect me to change" I raised my brows.

"oh, tsk arr....just go into that room" he point at a door, I happily went in. Damn, I think this is his room. The caramel coloured bed place close to the window, a reading table more wise a music table, the wardrobe that placed to the wall and his beige coloured wall. This is beautiful. I sat on the bed, then stood up immediately, am still wet. Going into the toilet.

The simple, blue coloured tiles, aww his toilet looks like a baby's own. Am a wired being wallahi, I had to check what tooth paste his using, what brush his using, what shaving scream his using, what soap his using. I have probs.

Finally I change, the trouser is a bit lose but who cares. The hoodie is so big. And it smells like him that means am wearing haidar's cloth.


I head to the living room, moving to the TV's stand, his PS4 was placed neatly, then I on the TV, moana brightly showed on the screen, lol what's he doing with moana.

"what are you doing with moana" I chuckle, he scratched the back of his head. The I burst into laughter. Haidar Aliyu was actually watching Moana. He grab the remote away from me.

"I wasn't watching moana, my sister was" he scratch the back of his head.

"haidar there is no need to lie, everyone has a childish attitude in them" I chuckle, going close to him. "let's watch it together, I didn't finish watching it" we both smile.


Have you ever had that feeling of been cared, the feeling of having someone you once hate care for you. Am so happy today. I moved closer to haidar, his hands around my shoulder, while my head on his chest hearing every heart beats. The feeling's just so good.

"am sorry" I mumble.


"am sorry, I insulted your mother and am sorry for everything" haidar shift to look at me.

"glad to hear that" he smile, "you know what, lets start from the beginning. Everything that happen in the past should be long gone, let's live in the future. So Ummi, will you be my friend." a bright smile spread to me face.

"yes, I'll be your friend" he grin, then we shook hands. "officially friends now" he mutter, I nod officially friends is it. Right then my ring tine burst.

"hey amir" I hesitantly said.

"hello ummi, how are you, how was your day with my motorcycle". Shoot.

"fine.... Ve...ry.....very fine" I chuckle.

"oh really, why do I see some dent part on it" I sigh.

"am so sorry amir, I got into an accident, and I was so scared to tell you. Please forgive me" he kept quiet for awhile

"you got into an accident, why didn't you tell me".

"it wasn't that serious".

"next time tell me, it will kill me if I found out you where dead, God forbid...... I want you to come for my wedding"

Wedding, his getting marriage. Oh my

"amir, I'll love to come for your wedding" I gushed.

"Great, I'll book a flight tomorrow, your mum's here". 
"she's there, why didn't she tell me" no wonder she made sign that shit.

"maybe she forgot, any who you coming right".

"sure thing" I hung up the phone, haidar cleared his throat. I total forgot haidar's here.

"your traveling tomorrow" he asked, I nod, "I hate flirts" i snort, he chuckle

"what a thing, you hate speeding cars and flirt. Weirdo" I burst into laughter.

"your the weirdo, crap head". 

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