Chapter 6

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"You... You have a really nice voice, Jungkook," Yoongi gasped, eyes wide.

Jungkook could feel his face heat up. "Ah- thanks..."

The two were currently seated in the studio Yoongi rented, Jungkook supplying him with some samples of his singing. It was a cozy little space; perfect for just the two of them. What Jungkook would give to stay in there forever with Yoongi. The only thing they would have would be each other. Jungkook was interrupted from his thoughts by the elder's phone ringing.

"Ah- it's Yeongseo," Yoongi started, checking the time. "Shit. I gotta go. See you later, Jungkookie!"

The younger watched him leave in a bit of a frenzy, hurriedly snatching up his things and rushing out. Jungkook pouted at the door, as if it was the door's fault Yoongi had to leave. No, it was Yeongseo's fault. Lately he was always calling the elder and disturbing their alone time.

"So annoying," Jungkook whined, standing up and collecting his own things.

The redhead paused and went over to the only window in the room, lifting up the blinds to peer outside, eyes roaming the parking lot. He caught sight of Yoongi and Yeongseo, the shorter walking a few feet behind the other, head down. Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows as he watched them approach a dark, expensive looking car, Yeongseo stopping and turning to Yoongi. He said something to the other that had him flinching, and Jungkook grit his teeth. The two then climbed in the car and sped away.

Jungkook huffed and turned away, finally leaving. If one thing was for sure, Yeongseo could not be trusted.


It was later that night when Jungkook decided something needed to be done.


hey jungkook. i dont think im gonna be able to make it tomorrow. if you want i can give you the passcode to the studio and you can work on the project. im really sorry.


thats alright hyung!

something come up?


uhh kind of

i gtg see you later


okay. goodnight hyung!

Jungkook glared at his phone and tossed it to the side. He stared blankly up at his ceiling. Was Yoongi really busy or did Yeongseo have something to do with this? The redhead rolled over to his side, pulling the covers over his head. He couldn't help but think something was wrong.

A half hour later and he was up again, this time heading to the convenience store across the street. Since he couldn't sleep, he might as well find something else to do. He could use a snack, anyway. The bright lights inside were a little blinding. He could feel a headache coming. Great. Jungkook mindlessly wandered the small aisles, stopping occasionally to grab a few things. The door to the convenience store jingled, catching his attention. His eyes widened when he saw who stepped in; it was Yeongseo. He was on his phone, too...

Quickly, Jungkook darted to hide behind the snack aisle, sneaking closer to the other to listen in on his conversation.

"Yeah. It's frustrating, you know? I just want to get into his pants."

Jungkook's eyes widened. 'So he is just using Yoongi...'

"The little bitch is so stubborn," Yeongseo continued, eyes lazily raking over the various snacks on display. "I'm tempted to just get him drunk, take what I want, then leave. But then again, he's so irresistible, I don't think I could have just one bite."

Jungkook waited for him to leave the store before following after the guy, although not without noting the packet of condoms he'd bought. He was pissed. 'Yoongi doesn't deserve this kind of treatment,' he thought. There was no way he was letting this fucker just use his hyung like that. The redhead walked a little ways behind Yeongseo, trying his best not to strangle him right then and there. Not that he really planned on doing that... Jungkook stopped. What was he going to do? Was he really going to do the same to Yeongseo that he did to those girls? Jungkook bit his lip, deep in thought. Maybe he shouldn't. But then, what if something happens to Yoongi?

With a shake of his head, he decided to just keep following the guy and see where he's going. He'd followed Yeongseo for a few blocks, only to pause as he went into one of the apartments lining the street. It wasn't Yoongi's...

About twenty minutes had passed until he reemerged, although, this time he had company. Two girls clung to his sides, laughing obnoxiously at something he said. 'This is perfect,' Jungkook thought, reaching into his back pocket for his phone. Perhaps a few pictures of this guy with a few girls attached to his side will provide some good evidence on why he's a complete asshole. Maybe Yoongi will dump him?

Biting his lip as he lowered his phone, Jungkook weighed his options. He could show Yoongi these photos as a pathetic attempt to get him to break up with Yeongseo, or he could do something else... The redhead huffed out a breath. Might as well keep following while he, once again, decided what to do. Not without snapping a few photos first, mind you.

He'd ended up following Yeongseo to some bar and waiting for a few hours for him to reemerge, only to continue stalking him all the way back to those girls' apartment. 'This is getting me nowhere,' Jungkook thought, glaring at nothing in particular. Once again playing the waiting game, he stayed hidden until Yeongseo started heading up the street, Jungkook following closely behind.

Suddenly, he turned around, looking angry. "Hey! I know you're there. You trying to mug me or something?"

Jungkook stayed ducked behind some garbage, waiting to see what the bastard would do.

"Come on out and fight if you're so desperate!"

'Fight? Might be interesting...' With that, Jungkook jumped out from his hiding place, rushing over to Yeongseo and punching him hard in the face. The force of his punch knocked the other to the ground. Jungkook grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him into the alley, quickly looking around before doing so. Luckily it was late enough that not even drunks were wandering around anymore. Yeongseo struggled in his grip, trying to punch and kick the other. It was useless. Swiftly, Jungkook lifted him up to the wall, holding him there by his neck. Recognition seemed to flash in his eyes while he helplessly grasped at Jungkook's arms.

"You're- You're that guy Yoongi is always with," he spluttered.

Jungkook said nothing as he tightened his grip, the other choking as he tried to suck in air.

He could tell Yeongseo was starting get desperate. "You-You really gonna kill me? What would Yoongi think?"

The redhead slowly leaned in, mouth against Yeongseo's ear. "He doesn't have to know, now does he?" He whispered.



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