Kirishima Eijirou x Reader (Angst) -Thank you

Start from the beginning

He suddenly bumped into someone, looking up to apologise. He realised it was Todoroki and they both said sorry to each other, before Todoroki began to speak.

"It wasn't your fault."

"It was. My feet wouldn't move and they got kidnapped."

"I noticed you were there while I was fighting that villain with multiple personalities. You looked like you were looking for an opening."

"Yeah well, that's not what it was. I couldn't save them."

"We can save them."

And so now they had Bakugou back, though they still didn't have y/n. After Allmight's fight with All for One, everyone was relieved that Bakugou was back and Kirishima was happy to see his best friend back. There was one problem though. His other best friend wasn't back yet. Bakugou avoided speaking with him about what had happened with her and the villains, though Allmight told him that she wasn't there when he had turned up with the other pros.

Meanwhile, Dabi removed the bandages that had covered the left side of y/n's face, checking to see his work while she was restrained in a chair. She had become fairly close with Toga and a few of the other villains, but Dabi was not one of them. He was a huge playboy and the most violent she had seen yet.

He smirked as he saw the scars he had created over the left side of her face, being much like his brother Shoto's. He cupped her cheek and lifted her head up close to his.

"Aww beautiful, you look amazing with my burns on your pretty skin."

She growled and spat in his face, making him shut his eyes. He wiped the spit away, growling down at her and grabbing her neck tightly. He began to squeeze, his staples making indents and cuts on her s/c skin. She gasped for air and struggled, her vision beginning to become cloudy. She couldn't die yet. She had Kirishima and Bakugo to live for. Her dead brother and father to avenge. Her grandmother to look after.

She threw her head forward, head butting Dabi and sending him flying back. She began to slip one of her hands out of her restraints, making the other able to get out too. She stood up and rubbed her wrists, before running towards the window. She heard and felt flames approaching her quickly, so she wasted no time in leaping through the glass and landing on the ground without harming herself too much. The glass had been the problem, as she was now covered in cuts too.

She ran along the street, heading towards the one place where she would feel safe, Kirishima's house. After sprinting for a while, getting weird stares and jumping on and off a train, she ended up at his house. She was out of breath, and pounded on the door. After a moment or two, the door swung open revealing no one to be there. Was no one home? She ran in anyway and closed the door behind her, heading straight up to Kirishima's room. She swung the door open and leaped onto his bed, hiding herself under the covers like a little child.

She smiled softly as she inhaled the familiar scent of her best friend and began to fall asleep.

He walked home from a day out with Midoriya and Todoroki to his home, noticing that the door was unlocked. The thought began to cross his mind that there was a chance a villain could have broken into his home. He activated his quirk while walking into the house, seeing a small trail of blood leading up the stairs. Slowly creeping up the stairs, he listened out for any noise that there was amongst the silence of his home. After he reached the top of the stairs, he peered around the corner towards the blood trail... it lead to his room.

His heart rate increased as he got closer to his bedroom, prepared to kick someone and run to call the police. Opening the door quietly, he saw a lump under his duvet covers. He slowly walked over to it and braced himself to see whatever villain there was under there.

He pulled the covers  back to see.. the lifeless body of Y/n L/n. There was blood staining his mattress and the small body of the girl he had loved curled up. The blood was completely fresh, meaning that she probably hadn't been there for long.

He had been so close to saving her. If only he had been quicker coming home, he would have the chance to tell her the words that summed up their whole relationship together, protecting one another. "I love you."He screamed and broke down in front of his bed, crying and shouting at nothing in particular.

"Wake up!"


"I love you! I need you here with me, please! You're the one I need here, so please!"

"What's a kiss Kiri-kun?"

He turned to look at the 15 year-old girl who was sitting in the field beside him. She wore a white summer dress and a beautiful daisy crown Kirishima had made for her which adorned her head like the halo of an angel.

"What makes you ask that?"

He looked into her wonder-filled e/c eyes

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He looked into her wonder-filled e/c eyes. She had been so innocent, hidden away from the dangers of the world.

"I heard Uraraka-san talking about it with Ashido-san."

"Well, it's when someone presses their lips to another person's. It's supposed to make sparks fly inside you and make you feel like nothing else matters."

The girl looked down for a minute, taking in and processing the words she had just been told. It made her cheeks red to think about what it would be like to kiss the red head beside her. Would it make her feel those sparks he spoke of, the ones that would make her feel like nothing else mattered?

She took in a deep breath before turning towards the red head and grabbing his chin, pulling him into a sweet but clumsy kiss. His eyes widened, cheeks set afire as he took a moment to realise what was happening. The girl of his dreams was kissing him! He had to be a man here, but he couldn't help feeling like putty in her hands.

He cupped her cheek and helped her to make the kiss less clumsy, pulling her into his arms. It seemed as if the whole world had stopped to watch the two showing love for each other, like nothing could ruin this moment for him. He loved her so much, and now he finally had the chance to show her.

Both pulled away after a moment, staring into each others eyes.

"Thank you."

"She had said thank you to me after that. It was the moment that made me realise how much I had loved her. There was nothing between us in the world, and it felt like we were able to enjoy each other's presence more than we ever had."

Everyone was in the funeral hall, the whole of class 1A crying their eyes out along with another few guests, while Allmight, Aizawa and the rest of the UA teachers stood by the coffin saluting and trying to keep their own tears in.

Kirishima moved down from the podium and back to his seat, hugging his mother close as he cried his eyes out. Allmight then moved up to the podium, standing with a solemn expression upon his face.

"She was an amazing and talented student at UA, with the potential of becoming a top hero. It pains me to see her in this situation, lying in one of these boxes at such a young age. She was the reason we could save Bakugou Katsuki," Kirishima's eyes widened, "without her, Tomura Shigaraki and All for One would still have possession of him , and may have possibly killed me. I thank her for this, and hope to see her in the afterlife."

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