Fade To Black

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It had been almost a month since Demi left. I hadn't heard from her since she called after the texts that I had sent. I didn't think about her as often as I thought I would. There were days when I didn't think about her at all. I spent a majority of her time getting the wedding preparations finished. In one more week, I would be Mrs. Nate Gray. Today was going to a busy day for me. Several of my family members and people that were in my bridal party were going to be here. The rehearsal dinner was in two days.

"Hey babe." Nate said as he sat at the table. "You doing ok?" He asked.

"Yes. Just busy. There's still a bunch of stuff to get done." I answered smiling at him.

"Can I help?" He asked.

"I've got everything covered." I answered.

"Alright babe. I'm gonna go see what Shane is up to." He got up and gave me a kiss before leaving the room.

I was beginning to feel incredibly guilty about what happened between Demi and I. Sometimes I felt like maybe I was encouraging her. I shouldn't have texted her all those weeks ago. I was being honest though when I said that I missed her. I hadn't really even got to know her very well, but there was just something about her that felt like home. It was missing since she left.

My mind quickly switched gears back to the task at hand. My wedding. Taylor, my maid of honor, would be flying in tomorrow morning. I had to go pick her up from the airport. I was looking forward to seeing her. She was my best friend. There wasn't a problem in this world that we couldn't resolve in a pair of pajamas over a cup of tea.

"Hey Sel." I heard Benji say as he walked into the kitchen.

"Hey!" I said smiling brightly.

"Whatchu doing?" He asked as he opened the fridge and took out a beer.

"Seating charts."

He grimaced. "No thank you." He said laughing as he opened the beer.

He sat down at the table and kept me company. Over the past few weeks I had gotten to know him. He had grown up on the ranch with the Gray family. His father was what they referred to as the "cow boss". He was in charge of all the ranch hands that worked on the Gray family ranch. Their family were members of the Sioux Nation. They were very proud of their heritage. He was one of the nicest and most down to earth people I had ever met.

"Are you nervous?" He asked me grinning.

"About getting married?" I asked.

He nodded.

"No. Not really. Jut excited." I answered honestly.

"Nate's a lucky bastard." He said smiling. "If he wasn't basically my brother, I'd try to steal you!" He said, teasing me.

I winked at him. "You can't steal the willing."

"Oh, you're killing me!" He said clutching his chest. "Seriously though, Nate deserves a good woman. You're definitely it."

"You're too sweet Benji." I said sighing. He was such a nice guy, I thought.

"I'm gonna call it a night." He said as he got up and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "See you in the morning."

"Goodnight Benji." I said as he left.

I headed upstairs to go to bed and that's when I heard it. Her laugh. I stopped and looked outside, and sure enough, there she was wrestling with Shane. I walked over to the doorway and watched them. No one told me she was here. I was a little bit shocked.

"You're fucking cheating!" I heard Shane yell as she nut checked him.

"Don't be such a little bitch!" She teased back.

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