Chapter 28

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ARIZONAS POV continued...

As we was walking through the zoo my phone rang.

"Dr Robbins"

"hello Dr Robbins this is Officer Marin"

"hello have you got any information"

"we have evidence that Miss Boswell was the one who broke in however we can not pin point her whereabouts so we are going to place an officer outside your house I am sorry we havent brought you any good news but we are still looking and following leads"

"thank you"

With that I hung up my whole body cold, I cant believe shes done this. I could sense that Callie was looking at me. The girls were infront of us out of ear shot so I told Callie what Officer Marin had just told me.

"how could she do this Callie" I sighed

"I dont know but its going to be okay we need to tell Maura and Jane though" Callie stated

"I know I just dont want to ruin Maura birthday"

"lets go home and tell them okay"

An hout later we arrived back at Callies. I went and put Sofia for  nap as she was really tired bless her. Once she had fallen asleep I went back down to find Callie sat on the sofa with Maura and Jane I took a deep breath and sat next to Callie.

"whats up" Maura quizzed

"I didnt want to tell you this today with it being you birthday but I dont have  a choice anymore" I sighed and took another deep breath.

"It was Lauren that broke it"

"what, how, why" Maura spat out.

"I think its because of me breaking up with her, but its not me shes after, we think shes after Callie, the police are still looking for her"

"I cant believe this" Maura said shocked

"I cant either but we wanted to tell you so you can look out and if she see her anywhere or anything else happens to ring the police, lets just carry on doing what we are doing lets not let her stop us okay, everything is going to be okay" I smiled trying to reasure them all.

"okay I still cant believe it though" that makes two of us.

The rest of the day was good we put Lauren to the back of our minds and carried on celebrating Mauras birthday. Im so glad Maura has had a good day. Shes such an amazing young women and deserves so much happiness.

"right we are going to work now we shall see you in the morning okay, Were dropping Sofia off at Mers, ring us if anything happens or anything okay keep the doors locked"I told Maura and Jane. We hugged them and me and Callie left and took Sofia to Merediths.

"what are actaully going to do tonight" I asked Callie as we drove away from Merediths

"Well I have booked a hotel for the night"  She winked at me making me go crazy.

"well I guess we need somewhere to sleep tonight"  I winked back.

"who said anything about sleeping" Callie said seductivley, Im so glad im not driving right now, the affect she has on me is unreal.

20minutes later we arrived at the hotel, we got our key and headed up to our room. Callie had sneakily packed a little bag for me without me realising, she must have planned this this afternoon. We left our bags in the room and went for something to eat. It was nice just being me and Callie we havent done anything like this is a long time and ive missed it, to have her to myself no kids no interruptions from work just me and Callie.

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