Chapter 14

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I was so glad the day was over, all the school kids were fine most of them got sent home already. I got changed and went to get Sofia as soon as she saw me she got up and walked to me, which told me she was tired. I picked her up and she laid her head on my shoulder as I walked to the car. It was such a lovely evening, getting dark but still warm, so I got the pram out of the car and put Sofia in and shut the boot and locked the car and started the walk home, fresh air is what I need right now. The first 10 minutes consisted of Sofia telling me what she did today, but soon she went quiet and I looked over and saw she had fallen asleep. I couldn't help the little smile that made its way across my face at the sight, Sofia is the best thing that has happened to me. About 10 minutes later I was walking down the street not far from mine I walked past a dimly lit shallow ally way when I thought I heard crying, so I stopped and I heard it again.

"Hello" I said loudly, but I just got more cries in return.

"are you okay, I'm not going to hurt you" I said, then I heard movement and a little figure appeared from behind the bin. The figure slowly moved closer and I could tell it was a little girl, she looked awful, cuts, bruises, and she seemed to have a limp....hang on.

"are you called Maura" I asked, she just nodded.

"I'm Callie, I'm a doctor I work with Dr Robbins, everyone is looking for you and Dr Robbins is so worried" she limped over to me and hugged me and cried.

"hey shh its okay, your okay, come with me" she looked a little scared at first but then I gave her a reassuring look and she followed me back to mine, holding onto me for support.

"take a seat, I'm just going to put this one to bed" I smiled and she sat on the sofa. I put Sofia to bed and went back downstairs to see Maura sitting in the exact position as before.

"I'm going to call Dr Robbins okay" she nodded.

"Calliope not now" she said as she answered.

"yes now, you need to get to mine now...I've found Maura"

"I'm on my way" with that she hung up. I went and made Maura a glass of water and went back to her.

"do you know what kind of Doctor I am" I asked she shook her head.

"I'm a orthopaedic surgeon, do you know what that is" she shook her head again.

"I work with bones, I fix bones, and you have a bad leg don't you" I smiled.

"y-yeah" she cried

"when Dr Robbins gets here will you let her take you to the hospital" Before she could reply the door opened and in ran Arizona all dressed up.

"oh Maura" she said instantly cuddling her being careful not to hurt her.

"where did you find her" Arizona asked and Maura held on to her for dear life.

"she was crying down a ally way"

"Maura can I take you to the hospital, and I promise this time I wont leave you alone" she slowly nodded. Before they left Maura turned to me.

"Will you fix my leg" she asked shyly

"of course I will, you go to the hospital with Arizona and I'll meet you there" I smiled with that they left. I couldn't get the image of Arizona out my head she looked so beautiful and it hurt knowing that it wasn't for me. I picked up my phone and called Christina, she wasn't a kid person but she loves Sofia. When she arrived half an hour later I called a taxi and set of back to the hospital.


I got Maura into the car and drove to the hospital and straight away getting her checked in. I settled her in and then paged Lexi....she's good with kids.

"hey Lexi" I said as she entered the room.

"Dr Robbins"

"I need you to just stay here and look after Maura I need to make a call"

"okay" before I could leave Maura grabbed hold of my arm.

"your okay, Dr Grey here is lovely, I'm just going outside the room to make a call okay" she nodded. I left the room and called the police letting them know I have found Maura. I looked back in the room and saw her talking with Lexi and she seemed okay so I went to the cafeteria and got Maura some food and something to drink and headed back.

"thank you Lexi" I smiled as I walked in she smiled back.

"no problem she's lovely" she smiled

"I'll see you later okay" she smiled at Maura who smiled back and nodded before she left.

"I got some food" I said handing it to her sitting on the side of her bed.

"Maura, I've called the police okay but don't worry I'll be here the whole time okay, will you tell me what happened" she was silent before she said anything.

"they came and took me home and they were mad that I came here even though I told them it wasn't my fault but they didn't believe me and he hit me a few times and left me and he left the door open so I made a run for it well I tried and I heard the police so I carried on and hid until Callie found me, I was so scared" she cried

"Its okay your safe now" just then the door opened and Callie walked came in.

"hey how you doing"

"I've been better" she half laughed making me smile.

"well I'm going to take you for a x-ray to see the extent of your leg" she just nodded. We took her for a x-ray so Callie could get a good look. I took Maura back to her room and waited for Callie a few minutes later she arrived.

"right Maura, because your leg was left untreated its made it worse but its easily fixed but I need to do surgery on it and you'll be off it for a least a week and in a cast for a least a month maybe more depends how well you heal" I could see how scared she was.

"its okay, Callie is the best and you'll have us both here" I smiled. Just then there was a knock at the door and the police came in.

"are we allowed to talk" the Female officer asked.

"yeah but make it quick please she needs to go into surgery" Callie said before leaving to go get ready.

"hello Maura, I'm officer Benson and this is Officer Hale, we would like to ask you a few questions if that is okay" she nodded and grabbed hold of my hand and answered there questions, she was very brave. They left shortly and said they would be back tomorrow. I then took Maura to the OR handing her over the Callie, I then went to the staff room and sat down and waited soon sleep took after and I fell asleep on the sofa.

A few hours later I woke up and realised that it was 7am, Maura should be out of surgery now I was about to get up when I saw that I had a blanket over me....I don't remember putting a blanket over myself. I started to pull the blanket off when the door opened and Callie walked in with two cups of Coffee.

"here" she said handing me a cup

"thanks" I smiled.

"you sleep okay"

"well as okay " I half laughed causing Callie to smile.

"were you warm enough"

"that was you" she nodded and I couldn't help but smile knowing she still cares.

"thank you" I took a sip of my coffee

"how did it go"

"yeah went perfectly, she's just woken up actually that's why I came to get you" I stood up and followed Callie back to Mauras room.


Sorry it take me ages to update but I've been working loads and been so tired...anyway more of a filler chapter hope you like it if you don't then is always welcome and needed :)

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