Chapter Three

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The stranger stood there, aiming his gun at the wives and Furiosa. I sat in the driver's seat peeking out the window with my eyes.

Furiosa dropped her weapon to the side, out of reach from her, the man then pointed his gun at Angharad, "Water" I think is what he said, his voice was low and dry.

The most prized wife of Immortan stepped forward, walking to the man. He tore the hose from her hand in a flash before turning it on and drinking. After getting his fill, he dropped the hose then grabbed onto the thick chain, "bolt cutters" He spoke again, still very low and quiet.

Dag tried to give the cutters to Furiosa, but the stranger let out a grumble, nudging his gun at the thin, white-haired wife.

"You" He gruffly said. She too stepped forward. Dag thought she was dreaming when she saw something in the far distance behind the man, "Angharad, is that just the wind... Or is that a furious vexation?" But the man rattled the chain, making Dag jump in surprise and shut her mouth. The chain, however, was too thick for the bolt cutters; too strong for Dag to cut.

Furiosa, took this as an advantage, charging at the man. My eyes flew to a pale and bald war boy, he was attached to the chain and would move every time Furiosa wrestled the stranger.

After the tackle, the Imperator, straddle the stranger. She ripped the sawed-off shotgun from the man's grip, punched his face with her amputated arm. With the double barrel pressed to his neck, Furiosa pulled the trigger, but to her disappointment it was faulty.

Furiosa growled and rose the weapon to bash him, but he caught her swinging arm with one hand and shoved the other under the jaw. The man was angry, aggressive, pushing her off and they traded positions. The stranger brushed sand in her eyes, then tried to take the shotgun.

Angharad took the thick silver chain and pulled it back with Cheedo helping as well.

The man was forced to go with the chain. And the knocked-out scrawny Warboy with the broken car door was dragged around with him.

With that same shotgun, Furiosa knocked the bolt cutter from his hand and switched it out with the shotgun during the mix-up. To his feet, the man dodged the swinging blows only to fall back to the sand, crawling backward avoiding furious Furiosa's swings.

He used the car door to his advantage as a shield, blocking the onslaught of the bolt cutters being used as a melee weapon. Unfortunately, it got caught and the man forced the door to connect with Furiosa's face.

The woman was stand and fell on her front. Her anger grew and grew, as the man wouldn't stand down.

In the meantime, I spotted that funny looking Warboy waking up from his blackout. Furiosa, however, regained focus, and ran to the side of the largest rid, the man tripped her with the chain.

However, the didn't slow her down, as she grabbed a hidden gun after bashing open the ornament skull it was encased in.

The Warboy was out of his daze in no time, lunging at Furiosa's leg to prevent her from grabbing the gun, before he completely pinned her down.

All five wives stood behind the stranger from the sand, as he crawled to his feet, jerking the chain to pull the Warboy off of Furiosa. He turned to them with a deep growling hiss. They gasped in surprise, backing off.

While Furiosa dealt with the weak Warboy, with an elbow to his sunk-in face, the strange man ran for the gun. Furiosa chased after.

It was odd, as the man turned he... hesitated. Because of his hesitation, the Imperator pinned him to the side of the tanker, gripped his hand with hers. The stranger managed to pop the magazine from its place as Furiosa forced the pistol to put and his head.

The man barely dodged the bullet, it left a momentary ring in his ear before fading. The Warboy went after the magazine with the wives going after him. "I got it!" He cried before being tackled by the girls.

The sand-man pressed Furiosa up against the tanker with his forearm. However, as the wives pulled the Warboy, the reacted, pulling between his legs causing him to fall on his front.

Furiosa kicked the metal muzzle on his face, he got to knees then Furiosa kneed the mask. Somehow she managed to get behind him and choke him with the long chain attached. He elbowed her in the hip, she fell to the ground, and sand-man rolled atop her, frantically trying to reach for her hand that grabbed ahold of the water hose. After hitting him from right to left with it, which turned the valve on the hose, they rolled around in the sand both wrestling for the dominant position.

But in the end sand-man won, pinned Furiosa to the sand on her stomach, the Warboy provided the mag and he shot the sand around her head before pressing the barrel to the back of her head.

Everything was quiet, allowing the far noises of Immortan Joe's war party to fill their ears. Everyone looked on the horizon and I tried with my head fully out the window.

The Warboy perked up, "Glory me, Blood Bag! We snagged her alive. He's gonna shred her." He leaned down to the pinned-down Furiosa, "Shred her."

Still low, sand-man ordered the Warboy, "Bolt cutters. Chain." With a nod, the delirious and excited Warboy, did as he was told, "Hey. Hey!" The man raised his voice only slightly to warn the boy.

"Oh, look at them." Spoke the boy, who cut the chain with ease, unlike Dag. "So shiny. So chrome." On he spoke as if in a trance, babbling to himself and the Sand-man. "He's gonna be so grateful." the chain was successfully clipped in half, "We could ask for anything." the war boy stared off into the distance, "I wanna drive the War Rig." and the boy eyed the torqued, souped-up truck.

The Sand-man, however, wasn't interested as he stood to his feet, anxious and cautiously aiming the pistol at everyone.

War Boy looked at the stranger,
"What are you gonna ask for?"

The stranger still didn't seem to care, but there was one thing he did care for, "-That's my jacket." he glared, tearing it from his torso.

"Heh, heh. Sure." War-boy stood there awkwardly, "-You can ask for more than a jacket." he quipped

My eyes turned towards Splendid, who was walking towards me. I ducked down, as I also saw the stranger-from-the-sand punch the sick war boy hard in the sternum, he toppled over in a ball. Sand-man turned to The-Splendid-Angharad, letting out two or three gunshots. Angharad looked at me and I quickly moved to the back seat to hide. One of the bullets scraped her calf, injuring Immortan Joe's most prized wife. 

Opening the door, he seemed so caught up with himself and what he was doing that he didn't seem to spot me curled in the back. For extra measure, I clamped my hands over my mouth. I could here Splendid trying to calm herself by reassuring that she and all of us girls are going to the Green Place of Many Mothers.

The stranger started up the engine, sharing a quick glance with the others outside and drove ahead.

"How does it feel?" asked Furiosa, Angharad was agitated by such a stupid question, "It hurts," she said bluntly as-a-matter-of-fact.

The Imperator shared a little fact of her own, "-Out here, everything hurts." she looked at the women, "You wanna get through this?" she looked back at Angharad, "Do as I say."

"Now pick up what you can and run."

(A/N: Sorry for such a long and drawn out chapter, it's tough having to right fight scenes from pure observation sometimes. Hope you enjoy the chapter. Bye!)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2019 ⏰

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