Chapter 3

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~One week later~

Renji wasn't harassing you like he usually did which was strange, maybe it was because lately you hadn't been having any outbursts. You didn't have the energy for it these days. 

You had been taking a stroll to drop off some documents for Ukitake-taicho yawning tiredly. 

For some reason you felt a lot more drained than usual. Not only that but you had heard reports of hollows popping up a lot more regular than natural. A couple of captains had left to the Rukongai where the threat seemed to be the greatest. Your captain, along with Renji had been part of the squad sent to dispose of the threat. So you and a couple of other squad members were stationed in the area in case any problems came on this side.

"Man I wanna beat up some hollows too, this place is so boring." you whined. If you were being honest you just wanted an outlet for your anger. You couldn't force Hanataro's feelings to change. It hurt more than you thought it would, but you had the feeling that things would get better.

They had to, after the attacks calmed down you were gonna confess properly. If he still didn't feel the same way you guys could just be friends. You were willing to be with Hanataro whatever way you could, even if it was just friendship. "Yosh!" you cheered with a determined look.

Halfway to the Ukitake's squad a strong wave of reiatsu hit you. You stumbled slightly at the sudden raise of pressure. Frowning you held the papers tighter.

"What the..." 

The distorted sound of a hollow cry caught your ears. 

"Why have there been so many?"

You looked off at the forested area in worry, your vision caught a reaper on the ground coughing. You dropped the papers in your hand flash stepping over to the fallen reaper.

"Hey! W-what happened a-are you alright?" you asked panicked. The female's robes were covered in blood as a trail dripped down from her lips. "H-Hollows....get...captain.." she coughed out groaning in pain. Moving quickly you hoisted her into your arms moving to a safer area.

You appeared back by a wall leaning her against it as you stared to heal her. "It's alright now, you're safe don't worry." you coaxed letting out a relieved sigh when her breathing started to return to normal.

"(Y/N)-san!!" you turned seeing Ukitake running in your direction.

"Ukitake-taicho!!" you called as he stopped in front of you.

 "Are you alright?!"

"Mhmmm." you answered gesturing to the injured female. "I found her lying by the trees, from the feel of that reiatsu, I'm assuming this wasn't a low level hollow." 

Ukitake nodded. "We need to offer aid to any others, It's doubtful she was sent alone."

"Yes." Your eyes started to brighten when her eyes began to open slowly. A look of horror crossed her face as she tried to stand up. She fell back with a painful cry.

"T-Take it easy." you urged laying her unto her back softly.

"No need to push yourself, there's no doubt Head captain is sending reinforcements after that burst of reiatsu." you assured. She looked over at you worry evident in her eyes.

"T-They need to was only a couple of us medical officers out there. To much hollows, t-they came out of nowhere." she coughed again a flash of pain crossing her features. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Why would they only send out medicals?"

"Some of the other reapers got we were there to assist them b-but we got ambushed. If Hanataro hadn't pushed me out of the way I would have been crushed..." 

Her words hit you like a brick.

Your heart stopped. " out there...." she nodded weakly.

Your hands froze, eyes going blank. Ukitake placed a hand on your shoulder.

"We have to wait for help, there is no telling-" before he could finish you stood head bent. 

In a split second you disappeared. Ukitake turned suddenly, calling out to you as he spotted your figure reappear at the forest's entrance. You didn't turn back, legs pumping quickly ignoring his calls as you moved forward. You bounced off the surfaces easily, moving through trees as you kept going panting in fear.


"HANATARO!!!" you screamed out into the empty area. You clenched your teeth together fighting back the tears. Pushing faster you came to a clearing, branches and trees had been severed lying on the ground. From the looks of it a battle had taken place here.

Your eyes zeroed in on a body not to far ahead. You paced appearing by the reaper's side.

"(Y-Y/N)-san..." the male mumbled biting his lip to try and endure the pain.

"Don't move." you instructed healing him. His arm was bruised, dislocated from what you could tell. Blood covered the upper side of his chest where a gash was present, blood flowing from the wound.

"Puny reaper." you gasped when a large hand struck you from behind. Your body crashed into a nearby tree as you grunted at the force. You fell to your knees coughing, momentarily stunned. You stood swaying slightly as you looked up at the hollow. It was far bigger than usual. Not a menos, but still larger than you had anticipated. 

"Let's go." you challenged charging at it.

Dun Dun DUN!!!

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