Chapter Sixteen

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Sergeant Kilowog flew towards the citadel, eager to warn the Guardians of the Universe and help Hal save his planet. As he got closer to the citadel, however, he felt something hard push him backwards. He flew backwards and fell into one of the beautiful Oa bridges. Kilowog looked down to see a green fist implanted in his chest. Then the fist vanished and Kilowog watched as about five Lanterns drew closer to him. But they weren't Lanterns. Not anymore.

Kilowog jumped up and slammed his fist to the ground, sending a mini earthquake to the stray Green Lantern Corps members. Two of the fell while the others stumbled. Kilowog used this time to take flight again, yet he had only made it a few feet off the ground when one of the Lanterns caught him with their summoned lasso. When they tugged, Kilowog was thrown the the ground again. Kilowog summoned scissors to cut away the lasso. Kilowog summoned two ninja stars and chucked them at the Lanterns. They both hit their marks and the two Lanterns fell. Kilowog summoned a lasso of his own to tie them up from a distance.

By then the three Kilowog had knocked over were up, ready to fight. Kilowog sent another ninja stars at the Lantern on the left, who was ready and summoned a shield to block. Kilowog stood there, watching as the three Lanterns summoned shields to guard against his next attack. He realized that he was supposed to be playing defense, not them. So he took off, once again flying towards the citadel. Kilowog discreetly summoned a gun and hid it. When he heard the corrupted Lanterns start to attack, he turned and fired three times. Each of the non-lethal bullets he had shot hit their mark. The Lanterns had put away their shields too quickly.

Kilowog turned yet again to fly to the citadel, this time making it there without any trouble.


Hal landed smoothly in the forest and exited the ship. He looked around and smiled. Just a week and a half ago, he was strolling through these woods, ignorant of any foreign aliens or planets. And then a green ship identical to the one Hal had just landed, crashed in front of him. Hal flew to the main streets, expecting to see fear and chaos. There was none. No sign of Sinestro or Hector. Just a nice day in Coast City. Hal landed down and tapped his ring. His suit and mask vanished, leaving plain old Hal.

Hal walked up to a old man walking down the street.

"Excuse me, sir," Hal said, getting the man's attention. "Have you seen any aliens or possessed scientists recently?"

"Oh, yes. Down the road and to your left," the man replied.

"Thank you, sir. Sorry to bother you," Hal turned to the direction the man was pointing.

"No, I haven't seen any aliens!" the man cried.

"Oh," Hal said, feeling dumb.

"Haven't you ever heard of sarcasm..." the man's voice trailed off as he walked away.

"It was a strange question," Hal mumbled to no one in particular. "I'll give you that."

Hal flew over to Carol's apartment, thinking she may have answers. He removed his suit again and rung her doorbell. She didn't answer. Hal dug his cell phone out of his pocket and dialed her number. Someone picked up.

"Hello?" Hal asked.

"Hal Jordan," a strange voice snarled. "Just the person I wanted to see."

Hal dropped the phone. He tapped his ring and his suit appeared on him. He flew out of a conveniently open window and towards Ferris Aircraft. That's where Carol would be. Which meant that's where Hector is.


Hal arrived at Ferris Aircraft and took the elevator down to the giant basement, where he saw Hector, who face was weirdly bent. It looked like he was in great pain. He also seemed larger. Much larger. In his tight grip were both Carol and B'Shi, each struggling to get free.

Hal raised his ring and pointed it at Hector. This was it. The final battle.

Green Lantern - Galactic Guardian [1]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن