Chapter Three

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Hal woke up, thinking that the previous day's events were all a dream. We he looked around, he was unfortunately corrected. The room he woke up in was filled with people, all looking groggy, as if they had also just woken up. After rubbing his eyes in disbelief and looking again, he realized these people were aliens. Different shapes and colors of skin ranging from pink to blue. Hal noticed that they were all looking at him strangely, like he was the alien. Then he realized that he was the only human in the room and thought that maybe he was the foreign creature to these people.

"Listen up!" a sharp voice growled.

Hal looked up to see a face that looked like a bulldog, staring down at him. He had penetrating blue eyes and a green suit that looked similar to the one the alien was wearing the night before.

 He had penetrating blue eyes and a green suit that looked similar to the one the alien was wearing the night before

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"Hello. You are the new Green Lantern Corps recruits," he barked (and no, not literally). "My name is Sergeant Kilowog. I will be your drill instructor here. I will train you to perfection to enable you to protect your sector."

Hal looked around, wanting to know if anyone actually understood anything the Sergeant was saying. Only a few did.

"As you can see, we have our first human joining the Corps."

Hal raised his hand slightly, not liking the way Kilowog said the work human. He looked around as people glanced at him, some of their expressions were curious, others angry. He didn't understand why.

"He will retrieve the same treatment as the rest of you, and, if he passes training, he will become a guardian of a sector, just like the rest of you," the sergeant growled. "You will now be led to your living quarters."

Hal followed the others through a thin hallway that was white with glowing green lines across it. They entered into a room. It had about ten bunk beds, which Hal realized he would have to share with one of the twenty aliens in the room. Once, they had all piled in, a voice spoke.

"Hello," said a short blue alien in the front of the room. "I am Ganthet, a Maltusian and one of the Guardians of the Universe."

"As always, Kilowog probably did a terrible job of explaining things, so I am here to fill you in

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"As always, Kilowog probably did a terrible job of explaining things, so I am here to fill you in. The Green Lantern Corps are galactic guardians or police officers that protect a section of the universe from outside threats. Each of you will train here will be given a mentor. After your training is complete and you have passed, you will be assigned to a sector. A sector is an area covering several planets. It is your job to protect those planets."

The confused alien now seemed to get what Ganthet was saying. The ones who already understood it looked upon Ganthet with great respect. Hal guessed he must be important.

"Now, claim a bed and meet me out in the hallway," the blue alien left the room.

The room exploded in chatter, people fighting for different beds.

"Excuse me?" someone asked Hal.

"Yes?" Hal asked.

"My name is B'Shi. I am a Suirpalamanian. Would you like to bunk with me?"

A female monkey stood before Hal, looking up at him. She didn't glare at him or look at him strangely like the rest of the aliens.

"Sure," Hal said, sitting down on the bottom bunk closest to the door.

B'Shi jumped up to the top bunk with ease, as if she had made longer and higher jumps before. Hal smiled. He had made a friend.

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Green Lantern - Galactic Guardian [1]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora