Chapter 5

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Melanie's POV

Once I got in my room, I heard Sydney and Jessica gasp really loud and Sydney kept saying 'Yes! Yes! Yes!' I have to admit I was curious but I didn't care.

Dad yelled at me just because I was wearing moms dress. I didn't know why but then it struck me.

Mom died 6 years ago today.

By the time I got everything figured out, it was already 10 at night.

I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take off all my makeup.

I got back into my room before dad or Jessica could talk to me.

Once I got in bed, I went on my phone.

I went on Vine and went straight to Brent's page and went through all his videos again.

Somehow when I'm sad, he makes the darkest days into the brightest ones.

When I finished on Vine, I went to YouTube and did the same thing.

After 20 minutes on Brent's page, I fell asleep to the sound of his voice.

Brent's POV

We pulled into our new town around 11 and got to the house at 11:15.

I have to say, mom and dad did well on picking out a house to live in.

We walked in and all of us went upstairs to our rooms which had our names on the doors.

I walked into my room and the only thing in it was an air mattress since everything was all packed up until tomorrow.

I got in my "bed" and went on my phone.

About 5 minutes later, my mom came in my room and told me not to stay up too late because we have to unpack tomorrow.

I went back on my phone and tweeted that I was having a following spree.

Right away a bunch of girls commented "follow me ilysm".

I was waiting for on specific girl to comment though, Melanie Dawson.

20 minutes went by and still nothing from her.

I followed a few girls then went to bed.

I couldn't wait for Melanie's birthday so I could finally meet her. I wonder what she looks like. I bet by her name, she's beautiful.

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