07 -Number 12 Grimmauld Place

Start from the beginning

"And your parents?" Hermione asked. "How did they feel about it?"

"They understood. They set up our match and respected my decision to honour it."

"Have you spoken to them recently?"

"No. Not since I left to find Draco." Astoria glanced at her husband with a soft expression, Hermione supposed it was love.

"How did you find them?" Hermione asked, "I mean even the ministry couldn't locate them." Hermione returned to searching the cupboards if she recalled somewhere in here there was a small store of wine and gin.

Draco was the one to reply this time, "She sent us a Patronus,"

"And it found you?" Hermione said, raising an eyebrow. "hah!" she fished out a bottle of gin and rummaged for five cups.

"It did," Draco said.

"I sent about ten before one reached them," Astoria said, "I knew they had to be in the country still. I tried all their homes and then just thought of Draco."

"You must have been exhausted," Hermione said, pouring the gin.

"I was," Astoria confirmed.

Lunch went by quickly. Hermione got more information on the years that had passed and the location of the Malfoy's during that time. Throughout dinner, Lucius and Narcissa stayed almost completely silent only speaking when they were addressed directly. After they ate Hermione showed them to the spare rooms.

"This one is for you and Lucius," Hermione said showing Narcissa and Lucius into the first bedroom, the one that had once been Regulus Black's. They nodded and entered the room. Hermione paused on the threshold for a moment, then she turned and shut the door, giving the couple some space, Hermione gestured for Draco and Astoria to follow her, she passed Sirius's old room, Harry had left it intact, a sort of homage to his godfather. She led them up the stairs to the next floor, "You can stay in this room," she pushed the door open, revealing the room that she, Harry, and Ron, had stayed in during their fifth year.

"There's only bunkbeds I'm afraid," she said.

Draco shrugged, "We'll make do." Astoria sat on the lower bunk and Draco glanced at the empty picture frame hanging at the far end of the room. Hermione began to leave the room, "I'll be downstairs if you need anything, or in my room, it's just down the hall."

Draco nodded. Hermione shut the door and made her way downstairs, she paused as she passed the drawing room, her memory scanning through the many moments spent with it. Clearing out Doxy's, watching Molly struggle with the boggart, and finally...her eyes settled on the couch...holding Ron's hand while she slept. It had been the first time they had held hands like that, both pretending to not notice that the other was awake. She entered the room and went to the window. The curtains had been replaced with thin lilac ones, Ginny's choice, they made the room brighter, filling it with light even with the overcast day outside. She peered into the street, it was deserted besides the odd passerby. As she was about to look away, however, her keen eyes spotted movement in the shadows of the park. A large multicoloured bird flitted between the branches.

Hermione peered at it and recognition dawned on her. She knew who it was. Luna. But why was she watching Grimmauld Place? She now ran the Quibbler, she had no relationship with the Ministry.

Hermione headed downstairs and went to the door. Ron had told them to stay put, not to go outside...but...Luna was out there and she wanted to know why...

"Where are you going?"

Hermione turned around, hand on the doorknob. Draco was standing at the foot of the stairs watching her cooly.

"Where's Astoria?"

"She decided to take a nap," Draco said, wandering over. "You didn't answer my question? Didn't your boyfriend tell us not to leave the house?" He gave her a searching look.

"He's not my boyfriend." Hermione said shortly, "there's someone out there who I need to speak too."

"Are you sure?" Draco said, "It could be a trap."

"How would those Death Eaters know where we are?" Hermione said, "I don't think it's a trap. More likely a guard..."

Draco put his hand over hers blocking her from turning the knob, "Granger, if it is a trap you'll be walking straight into it. If it isn't they will knock or join us when Potter or Weasley returns. I would rather we stay safe...Don't you." He was close now...too close... His hand was warmer than expected... Hermione yanked her hand away from the doorknob and took a few steps back.

"Alright then. I'll wait." Then she turned and retreated down the hall as gracefully as she could, a confusing mixture of emotions flooded through her causing her face to flush. She wandered back upstairs and shut herself in her room. She needed a moment to herself...to reflect and process what had just happened.

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