06 - The New Regime

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"What the hell?"

Ginny stood in the kitchen staring dumbstruck at the five figures that had just apparated into her living room.

"Sorry, Ginny. I didn't know where else to take them." Hermione said, dropping Draco and Narcissa's hands and walking to Ginny's side.

"Where did you find them?" Ginny asked giving the Malfoy's and Astoria a distrustful looking over.

"Malfoy Manor. The Prophet gave me the idea. They were in the cellar..."

"Oh." For a moment Hermione and Ginny stood in silence, then Ginny turned to the shaken family in her living room, "Would you like a cup of tea?"

Narcissa and Draco exchanged looks and Lucius shifted slightly, looking around the room and the modge podge of pottery and moving photographs. Astoria was the first to speak, she stepped forward, placing a hand on her husband's arm, "We would love one, thank you."

"I'll put on the kettle." Ginny turned and went to prepare the tea. Hermione glanced at the others.

"Might as well get comfortable. You might be here a while."

"I suppose they'll be staying for dinner then?" Ginny called over the filling kettle.

"I would say so," Hermione said. She was eyeing the family, finally getting a good look at them. They looked worn. Nothing like their imposing photographs in the manor. Fallen from their former glory. Draco had deep bags under his eyes, his hair fell to his shoulders and thick stubble lined his jaw, his resemblance to his father was uncanny. Narcissa was paler then normal, if possible, and her hair was white instead of blonde, her husband was much like their son, deep circles under the eyes and an unruly mane of hair. Astoria was the only one who looked remotely composed. Her hair was braided down her back and she held herself with pride.

The Malfoy's were eyeing her again, but none of them spoke.

"Look I need to know what happened to you, but it can wait till Harry gets here," Hermione said, flopping down into the closest armchair and removing the tight clip from her hair. Her curls feel around her face and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"For now why don't you sit down and try to relax." She smiled. As much as she disliked this family it had been years since the war and they had clearly suffered a great deal since then.

Astoria accepted and sat, pulling Draco down beside her. He pulled Astoria closer, protectively holding her against him. Hermione felt a pang of longing at the gesture but shook it off, she switched her focus to Lucius and Narcissa. They still stood, but at her gaze, they reluctantly sat on the loveseat across from their son.


Harry appeared in the center of the room, he took in the sight in front of him and met Hermione's gaze.

"My place? Couldn't have gone to the ministry?"

"We're not sure who's responsible, it didn't seem safe. Plus we had dinner plans so I knew you'd be here." Hermione said, she rose and hugged Harry and then returning to her seat.

"What happened? How did you find them?" Harry asked glancing over at the Malfoy's.

"She read the Prophet," Ginny said, placing cups on the coffee table and giving her husband a kiss on the cheek.

"They were at Malfoy Manor. Harry, there were at least five of them there." Hermione said, "They attacked us on our way out. Well actually two found me when I entered and I stunned them, then I found them," she nodded at the four figures on the couch, "and when we started to leave more were arriving. We disapparated and this was the first place I thought of."

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