6. Off to the Hamptons

Start from the beginning

"Oh." Rick said. "That's actually not a problem but Kate is staying in the guest room and-"

"That's okay. I will sleep on the couch. You can have the guest room." Kate looked at Martha who nodded and walked up the stairs.

"Kate. You won't stay on the couch." Rick told her.

"Rick that's fine. It's just for one night." She gave him a smile but he shook his head.

"Then I will stay on the couch. You sleep in my room." He was already on his way to grab a blanket and a pillow when Kate took his arm. He turned around to look at her.

"Okay what if we sleep in your bed. We did that one time, remember? And it wasn't that bad."

"I think that could work. If that's okay for your?" He questioned.

She gave him a look. "I wouldn't have suggested it if I wouldn't be okay with it." She took his hand and they walked into the bed room.

"Oh shoot. My stuff is in the guest room." She didn't have anything to sleep in.

"You can have a shirt and some shorts from me." She nodded and he went into his walk-in-closet.

A few minutes later he came and handed her a T-shirt and some boxers. He had already changed. "Here you go. I hope that works. I will be in the bathroom." He told her and walked away.


"So that's my mother. Walking into my loft whenever she wants to without calling." He said a few minutes later when they lay in bed.

Kate chuckled. "I think she's kind of cool. So you and Alexis talk about me?" She was curious to know about what.

"Oh yeah. I told my mom about you. You know? That I met you at the concert and so on. And Alexis? Since she met you she always talks about you. There is not a day when she doesn't say Kate. Yeah.." He sighs smiling. "She really likes you. And I'm glad she does."

She turns to look at him and smiles. "Yeah. I like her, too. She is awesome."


"Yeah." She smiles at him and he smiles back.

And there it was again. This feeling. Warmth.

"Night Rick." She told him and closed her eyes.

"Night." He answered but she was already sleeping.


The next morning, Kate awoke to the smell of coffee and the voices of three people; Rick, Alexis.

She walked into the bathroom and grabbed Rick's robe. She was too lazy to dress into her other clothes.

She was about to open the door when she heard Martha's voice.

"Richard. Katherine is gorgeous. You have to ask her out." Kate blushed and continued to listen to their conversation.

"I know right? That's what I tell him all the time. She is so great. She's smart and funny, beautifulof course and she cares for me." She heard Alexis saying and her heart swelled. This girl was so sweet.

"I know. And I would love to ask her out. But what if I scare her away? What if it is too soon. I don't want to lose her." Rick told them and Kate smiled.

So he was scared. Maybe she should make the first step then. Hmm maybe.

"But now lets change the topic. Kate will probably be up soon."

That was her cue to leave the office. She walked out with a smile on her face, rubbing her eyes. "Good Morning." She said and they turned around to look at them.

They all replied with a Good Morning and Kate asked her if she wanted to have coffee.

"Yes please." She said when she sat down next to Alexis.

"So Kiddos. I will head back home then. It was lovely seeing you and meeting you Katherine." Martha walked to Alexis and hugged her, then she hugged Kate and finally kissed her son on the cheek.

"So are you ready for the most amazing vacation in the universe?" Rick asked with excitement and both girls laughed.

"Yeah Dad. When are are we going?"

"I thought about 8:30am." Rick said

Kate looked at the clock and her eyes widened. "Wow that means I have only 30 minutes to get ready?!" Kate said and ran to the guest room.

"That's plenty of time!" She heard Rick shouting.

"I'm a woman." She shouted back and she could hear Alexis laughing.

Kate was ready in record time and at exactly 8:30am they sat in the car on their way to the Hamptons.

Rick was driving, Kate sat in the passenger seat, talking to him and Alexis was in the back seat, reading a book.

Half an hour later, Kate was sleeping with her head on the window and Alexis was also out like a light.

For Rick it was the cutest thing he had ever seen. Kate had a small smile on her face and her hair was a bit messy.

He couldn't help but turn over to take a picture of her. He would never show it to her but it was definitely one of his favorites.


When they arrived at the Hamptons it was almost 12pm. Rick took their luggage and brought it into their rooms. He gave Kate the room next to his. He didn't know why but he felt like it. Alexis had her usual room.

He went back to the car to wake the sleeping beauty's. At first he woke Alexis. The girl woke up quickly and walked into the house to change into other clothes.

It was a bit harder waking Kate. She was out like a light. Rick talked to her and shook her but she wouldn't wake up. So he decided to carry her into her room to let her sleep for a while.

In her room he took of her shoes and covered her with a blanket. He kissed her forehead and left the room.

He had to try not to burst out laughing when he came into his daughters room. She must have fallen asleep while she was changing. She lay on her bed with one out of her T-shirt and without her shoes.

Rick walked over to her bed and changed her into her pjs. Then he also covered her body with a blanket and kissed her cheek.

Since both girls were sleeping he decided to also take a nap as well. He lay down on the bed and closed his eyes. It didn't take more than 10 seconds until he was fast asleep, dreaming about the week that was going to be perfect.

So they are in the Hamptons now. The next chapter will still be about their vacation. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
My vacation on Crete is over tomorrow and I'm kind of sad. I don't know when I will update because my cousin will visit me as soon as I'm home and I don't know how much time I will have. So don't worry I will update as soon as I have time! Thanks for reading❤️
Have a great day!

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