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Ichiro p.o.v
I'm walking home early the next morning I spent the night in a hotel to give anko space and time to cool down I knew she would be angry at me but I don't even know as I get home I open the door and I see mito in the kitchen making breakfast they boys are training in the back yard I don't know where anko is I walk up to mito and wrap my arms around her waist she leans back into me I say did anko calm down any she says I'm not sure I know she went looking for you last night a little bit after you left I say yea I spent the night in a hotel last night I thought I would be a good idea to give anko some space she nods I kiss her and head to the bathroom after getting a change of clothes as I walk in I See  anko in the shower but instead of doing that look she gives me when I normally walk in on her in the shower she slaps me and yells at me GET THE HELL OUT I walk to the guest bathroom and take a shower shave and brush my teeth and hair I guess anko is still mad at me

Time lapse
Ichiro p.o.v
It's been four weeks since anko got mad at me I think she still is I tried to talk to her but she just tells me to leave her alone  I'm getting sick of it most of the time I can keep my anger in check but now I'm losing control of it my uchiha side is coming out my hair is now spiky like my father's my rinnesharingan is a active almost all the time and I'm giving off an aura that's says fight me I dare you if anko can't forgive me than I don't even know
Madara p.o.v
I'm walking around with mom at the shop getting supplies I know she still isn't talking to father he even isn't himself right now he looks like jiji right now I ask mom mom why are you so mad at father for is it because he didn't use his final trump card she sighs and says no it's not that it's the fact he had it and didn't even think about using it I say he had a good reason to mom he wanted to grow old with you and mito oba chan he wanted to see us grow up and have kids of our own and now he is so mad he looks like his father now she looks at me in shock she says the last time I saw him that mad she shivers in fear or well you know I have no idea she says think of it this was sochi it wasn't pretty not even Naruto could stop him I was shocked Naruto nii san is the strongest I know besides father if he couldn't stop him than who can she says you said he's this angry right now lets hope no-one provokes him cause if they do they will see why your father earned the name the dragon god of shinobi before he died I say shouldn't we try to calm him down mom she says I'm the one he's mad at sochi I can't the only one who can now is mito we hear an explosion we look at it's at the training grounds I know this chakra I say it's father mom says come on sochi lets see what your father is doing I nod and follow her
Ichiro p.o.v
I'm at the training grounds trying to blow off some steam and get my anger back in check before I kill someone but nothing is working I sigh and sit on a stone near the stream I got thought going through my head anko has never hit me outside of training maybe she is tired of me if she is why not ask for a divorce than and be done with it but I guess she rather I get the divorce so she gets half of all my stuff I yell in anger and hit a steel boulder and it shatters in to shrapnel I flex my hand to check and see if I broke it I stings a bit but nothing I can't fix I can feel I'm being watched I turn and see my son Madara and my wife anko I check my hand again and see it's cut in three places and is bleeding very heavily I reach in to my pouch and pull out my first aid kit and grab the gauze and try to wrap my hand up as I drop the gauze before it hits the ground my son catches it and wraps up my hand I can feel anko's gaze on me she hasn't moved I guess she is still mad at me looks like I'm sleeping in the guest room again tonight once my hand is wrapped I thank my son and start to head to the hospital to have it looked at I'm not as good as my mother or sakura so I don't know how bad my hand is hurt as I walk past anko she says ichiro please say something I say what is there to say my wife who I love and will give my life for is mad at me and wants nothing to do with me she looks shocked I would say that I walk past her and head to the hospital

Time lapse
I just got out of the hospital turns out I cut several ligaments and tendons in my hand luckily there was no nerve damage I eat at the bbq restaurant and head home take a shower in the guest bathroom and get ready for bed as I am in only my sleep shorts anko walks in I say what is it anko she says why would you say something like that ichiro I say your behavior so far is telling me that anko if you are going to be only mad at me you would have calmed down weeks ago and you wouldn't have slapped me either if your mad talk to me about it but don't take your anger out on me my mother did that through most of my childhood if you don't want to be married to me anymore say so I turn my back to sit on the bed I sense something coming I duck just in time to dodge another slap from anko I turn so fast that I knock a couple of pictures of the wall now I'm mad I say so this is how it's going to be your going to hit me for speaking my mind ow hell no i put my pants and shirt on and got to the front door I turn and say until you calm down I'll be staying in a hotel I grab the door knob and get punched in the head I turn and see anko putting her fists back up to hit me I say you hit me again you'll regret it she then says something I'd never thought I hear her say ow I regret I married you in the first place I went from angry to sad almost depressed I stoop my head down and say fine I'll file the divorce papers in the morning good bye anko I see her get shocked 

Anko p.o.v
What have I done I just turned ichiro depressed I see him walk out I call my son and say go with your father keep an eye on him quick he nods and runs after his father

Ichiro p.o.v
I can't believe she said that I'm so done if she is going to be hitting me I want nothing to do with her I get to the hotel as I'm checking in my son Madara runs in and asks to stay with me tonight I smile and tell him he can and get a room with two full beds we call it a night

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