reconnecting with the family

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Ichiro p.o.v
I'm training my grandson and his friend the objective I gave them was to hit me it doesn't count if I block they have been at it for a couple of hours now bolt says stay still jiji so I can hit you i say sorry bolt than that would make this training pointless he growls in frustration I smile just like his father I check my watch at it's 7 pm I say ok lets call it for today they are panting they didn't land a single blow on me not surprising they are just genin while I'm a former kage me and bolt walk to his home I want to see this granddaughter I heard of we walk in hinata says ow ichiro sama nice to see you again I smile and say no need for the sama hinata in your father in-law just ichiro or father is fine besides i come to meet my granddaughter I think her name is Himawari she nods a calls her down when she gets here she says kaa chan who is the with nii san I say I'm your grandfather come here she walks over I say you look so much like your mother the only difference  is the whisker marks on your cheeks that you got from your father she smiles and says will you stay for dinner jiji I say I would but my wives are probably about to be looking for me right on cue anko bursts through the door and grabs me saying where have you been I say just meeting my grandkids anko chan she sighs while shaking her head and says I can already tell your going to spoil them aren't you I say I'm their grandfather it's my job to spoil them ow and bolt he says yea jiji I say meet me back at the training grounds tomorrow morning at 8 for training he nods and says you got it jiji I smile and walk home with anko I put my arm around her shoulder as we walk she leans her head against me and says I missed you ichiro kun I smile and say so did I anko I kiss her on the lips as we walk in through the door I can smell something good cooking mito says it's your favorite ichiro kun braised beef with fried fish on rice my stomach growls from the smell I walk to the living room and see hashirama and madara watching tv I say boys come here a second they come over and I say I know this must be hard on you two not having a father for twelve years and all of a sudden I return from the grave so I understand If you two feel weird right now but know this I will always love you two because your my sons and nothing will Change that I can see them with tears going down their faces I hold my arms out and they hug me I say how about you two join me and bolt for training tomorrow morning so we can get to know each other and bond they smile and say hai tou san I smile and hug the again but this time with my monsterous strength that I got from my mother I don't hurt them just a little squeez mito says dinner is ready we get up and head to the table to eat
Hey guys sorry it's a little shorter than what I normally do but comment vote and tell me how you like it so far

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