ichiro vs orochimaru rage unleashed

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Ichiro p.o.v
  Its the next day and against my better judgment im going to orochimaru to see about this seal I know seals but orochimaru is better than me if Jiraiya was around I would go to him but he's been dead for a few years now as I reach orochimaru's current location i walk inside and see karin and sugetsu I say I need your master now sugetsu goes to get him after a couple of minutes he walks in and says aw little ichiro my nephew how are we today I say I've come cause I have another seal inside me and you know more about seals than me he adopts a thinking pose and says and what do I get out of it I sigh and say ill let you and a sample of my DNA to study he hums hmm tempting very tempting ok we have a deal come I follow him and I say know this uncle if you move to take my eyes I will end the deal and possibly your life im here cause my son trusts you enough sasuke he's still cautious from what I heard he nods and says don't worry dear nephew when I get my DNA sample I might be able to grow my own sharingan eyes so no worry and I wouldn't since my son is friends with your grandson that was surprising both the fact he has a son and the fact that his son is friends with baruto we reach a room with a metal table and he has me lay down he says now where is this seal and what does it look like I show him the picture hinata drew and that its in my head he hums and says as I thought this seal increase your strength slowly but its been altered a bit to cause uncontrollable rage from time to time have you had any anger issues lately I nod and say yea it started when anko he says I heard of that anything else I say here and there its getting to where even the smallest things anger me and I dont know why I'm usually a very laid back guy when I'm not in combat he nods and says ok now I can't remove it only the original placer can but I can have it suppressed to were you don't get the anger anymore but first you must unleash any anger you have and whats the best anger management tool for shinobi I say a lot of stuff but most common is combat poring all your anger and hate at your enemy he smiles and nods good now get up and follow me ichiro I get up and follow him to an underground arena he says now im gonna spike your anger if small things piss you off than this will make you livid he takes a breath and says im gonna kill all your children starting with fumiko than her brothers my anger sky rockets he knows how protective of my children I am I yell and charge at him at high speed he is shocked at first but he dodges me at last second I go through the seals and yell WOOD STYLE PEIRCING STAKES dozens of wooden stakes appear from branches that came from the ground and fly at orochimaru he gets a sword and blocks or deflects them

Orochimaru p.o.v

  Ichiro had definitely gotten stronger since his rebirth my arms are buzzing from the force of the stakes hitting my sword maybe threatening his children was a mistake but we must release any anger in him for the suppression seal to work once the stakes stop he charges at high speed if I had to guess he's as fast as sasuke and naruto right now and its going up by the second

Ichiro p.o.v

  I rush orochimaru at my top speed I draw my sword as we get close and we clash swords I start to put more and more force into my swings and he starts to get pushed back we continue to clash blades as we get into a bind I angle my sword down to my right he slides past me as he does I take a swipe at his ankle he dodges last second I can feel my anger surge my sharingan flares to life glowing in anger and power I see orochimaru get a scared look on his face which is very rare I close in and disarm him he dodges my slashes and manages to knock my sword out of my hand we engage in taijutsu

Orochimaru p.o.v

  I grunt in pain as I get hit by ichiro's punches and kicks that I can't either dodge or block I haven't felt this kind of pain since I was a genin training with sarutobi sensei I block a kick with my forearm and my arm is buzzing from the force he put into it its amazing how much stronger than me he is if his power keeps going up at this rate he'll be able to face both sasuke and naruto at the same time I wonder who revived him and why he was already powerful before he died but now he's on a whole another level if I had to guess he could even face me Jiraiya and tsunadea at once and not be tired or hurt at all it would be like when the three of us fought hanzo I jump back to get some distance and look at my arm and see fist shaped bruses forming on my arms ichiro your so powerful its frightening

Ichiro p.o.v

  I start to huff from the fight orochimaru says calmed down now ichiro I nod and say yes he nods I deactivate my sharingan and orochimaru has me follow him back to the metal table I lay down on it as he prepares the seal he says ok we are ready now this will only suppress the seal in your head your power will continue to grow but you won't have the anger issues anymore ok I nod he places the seal on my head and he glows with a bright light once it dies down I no longer feel any anger of any kind I sit up and jump off the table and say never thought I would say this but thanks orochimaru he nods and hold up a blood drawing needle I hold out my arm and let him get his sample once he does I nod to him and walk out I hope this doesn't come back to bite me on the ass

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: May 11, 2022 ⏰

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