High school Graduation

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Well today's the day that I'll be walking across the stage. It's a bitter sweet moment, i didn't get to experience senior year like I wanted to but I finished not only did I finish I accomplished my goal passing my classes and be the top of my class getting accepted into college. It was so amazing walking into the building with my baby girl, I got her all dressed up. Of course everybody wanna see her and he nosey, yes my baby looks exactly like Fred and nothing like me not even a little bit like me. I picked up her car seat and went into the back where all the other graduates were. Everyone looking into the crowd waving and smiling at their parents and me I got my baby and I'm wavy and smiling at my auntie while thanking God. I had my speech ready for today and I had to speak first, I sat my baby car seat in one of the chairs and walked towards the microphone. "Hello every one as many of you guys know I'm janesha Roberts I graduated top of my class it wasn't easy by a long shot. I was always dedicated to school, I love school I never wanted to miss a day... this year I was found out I was 3 months pregnant with a baby girl literally everybody I had in my corner turned they back on my everybody but my auntie my parents kicked me out my boyfriend and baby daddy left me bestfriend friendship turned sour so there I was not knowing what to do or where to go. I came right back to school the next day after finding out the news went straight to my counselor mrs.banks asked told her my situation she said you're going great I can drop u from all classes I'll see u on graduation day I said no you won't don't drop those classes those are college credits I need those I'll do online or get all the homework I need and I'll bring it back when completed she said will do I went straight to a interview and I got the job making 12.50 a hour, my auntie took me and drove me to this loft and said this is yours I paid the first three months here you go I couldn't have been any happier I caught the bus to and from work when I got off work I went straight home and got into them books and knocked the homework out when I completed all the homework less than 2 months of having them I dropped off the homework to my counselor in my own car that I bought myself then I got another job paying 15.50 an hour. It's all about hard work and dedication if you want it bad enough you will get it anything that you put your mind to you will have! Don't doubt the process and everybody who turned they back on me left like it was gone rain and storm forever like the sun wasn't going to shine ever again don't let nobody tell you that you're not going to make it this is you life make your own decisions! Just because u get pregnant or be homeless doesn't mean everything stops you gotta go even harder! I thank y'all I just got accepted to college online for this fall it's only up from here thank y'all for building me up I do everything for God and my daughter sincere I love y'all"  I turned and got my baby and then they started calling names. "SIERRA MCKNIGHT" I stood up and clapped my hands "FREDRICK MCCARTER" I stood up and clapped my hands. It was getting closer to me "JANESHA ROBERTS" I stood up and got my diploma. The ceremony ended and everybody congratulated me and said how proud they were, out the corner of my eye I see Fred walking up. "You look good nesha" I turned towards him "you don't look to bad yourself thank you" he looked shy "um can we step out to the cafeteria".

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