Dealing with issues

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Sierra hitting my line telling me about drama and what everybody saying at school and I had to tell her if u not saying nothing to defend me don't tell me nothing nobody said about me because I don't care. She got mad and told me to just chill out I'm doing the most I had to leave her on seen, Fred keep texting me asking am I really pregnant like my answer is going to change. My parents still never hit my line nor my siblings I just sat in my room on my new bed and tried to find names for my baby girl. I can't believe I'm having a girl and I'm 3 months already I can't wait to see her, I got 4 names to picks from reign, Brielle, sincere, la'nae. I reallly like sincere la'nae Roberts  she's getting my last name cause that's my baby. Sierra keep blowing me up asking me questions I told her what I was naming my baby and what I was having she so excited and momma D texted me congratulating me on the baby girl. Everything fell in place for me and I couldn't be no happier all thanks to my auntie and God for working in mysterious ways. I had to be at work in the morning for my first day so it's about time I get in the shower and get ready for bed. I got in the shower and Fred just start blowing my phone up I answered "WHAT?" He said "damn why u on that with me janesha damn" i took the phone from my ear and looked at it "what the fuck you mean why I'm on that with you, why u on my line why are you bothering me?" "Damn why what I do"  I hung up the phone on him and he called again "what did u do? U wanna be real Fred ? I did nothing but love you and support you the long way but once I tell u that u got me pregnant u wanna say u don't want nothing to do with me or my child and then go to school and front on me like imma hoe??" "Listen nesha we both got goals man if my parents find out they gone kill me dead nesha" I looked at my phone "I'm 3 months pregnant with a baby girl name sincere la'nae Roberts and we don't need you for shit" and I hung up.

16 and pregnant Where stories live. Discover now