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 Here I am walking into school, looking like a zombie. I have dark circles under my eyes and I am currently wearing light washed jeans with a black shirt under my big gray sweatshirt. But, wearing plain clothes and looking like I just came back from camping in the wilderness, is pretty normal for me. Only getting three to four hours of sleep can make you tired. I tried to sleep last night, but like always, my eyes were clamped open. I just sat there the whole night, staring at my boring wall. Great isn't it? I find my best friend, Elethea, next to my old locker.

"Hey Thea," I say walking up to her. I open my locker quickly, trying to make sure she does not look me in the eye. But, unfortunately, she does. I hear her sigh. "Ry how many hours?" I already know what she is asking, considering she has asked me that same sentence many, many times in my life. I mumble out a measly "three," lying about how long I slept last night. She buys it, though.

She opens her mouth to say something but before she can comment on how many hours of sleep I actually slept, I heard a voice calling our names from down the hallway, which attracts a lot of attention to us. "Ryan! Thea!" I turn around quickly and see my other best friend, Cameron- or Cam as Thea and I like to call him- running toward me. He proceeds to engulf me in a hug, then pulls back and to look in eyes. He glares at me, knowing I did not get that much sleep, again.

I turn back around into my locker, rolling my eyes in the process. I can hear Cameron whispering to Thea behind me, no doubt asking Thea about how many hours I got to sleep last night. This is the daily greeting I get most mornings. Fun right? The bell screeches, signaling to get to class. We say our goodbyes and head the opposite ways.

My first period is English. Most people would complain about having English first period, but English is one of my favorite subjects. Some people may say it is boring, but I actually think it keeps me awake. I also have the best teacher, Mr. Sweeney. He is very relaxed about everything and keeps us entertained.

I walk into the classroom with my backpack on my back. I go straight toward the back and sit down. My seat is right next to the window. Sitting by the window relaxes me. Mr. Sweeney is usually late to class, but only a few minutes. He is actually a very nice teacher, one of my favorites. English is also my favorite subject so it makes the class so much better. Soon, all of the kids in the class are talking -very loudly might I add- and somehow making a mess. Meanwhile, I am staring out the window, trying to keep myself from falling asleep. Then, guess who I make eye contact with?

Oh great, it's the notorious school player, Mason Ash, smirking at me. But who is that kid walking next to him?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2018 ⏰

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