18. Girl's Not Grey

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Sweet Pea sat up and looked at me, "I'm sorry. I think I misheard you. Did you just say that you're late?"

I looked up and nodded nervously, "I skipped at least one period. I was waiting to see if I started this month before I gave it a second thought, and..." I trailed off, looking down at my hands and bracing myself to get yelled at.

Sweet Pea sighed and took my hands in his, "First thing's first. We need a pee stick. If that comes up positive, we need to get you to a doctor, and make sure little pea is ok. It's going to be ok, Cat. No matter what. If you're pregnant, well then, we'll just kick start our future together now, and maybe rearrange the order of some other things."

I bit my lip and looked up, trying to contain my surprise, "You're not angry?"

"No, Cat. It takes two to tango. We admittedly haven't been super careful since you've been here every night, and," he stopped to take a breath, "even if the timing sucks I can't honestly say that I didn't know deep down I'd start a family with you one day. I love you, Allyson Lodge. And I am going to stick by you no matter what."

I smiled when he hugged me and put my head on his chest. We sat like that for a while as I breathed in his scent. It was about ten minutes before I said, "The bodega is open 24/7, yeah?"

Sweets nodded and chuckled, "You want me to go right now don't you? You realize if your uncle catches me buying a home test I may as well drive to the Canadian border, right? He told me to look after you, not impregnate you."

I frowned and looked at my phone, "Baby, it's 1 in the morning. I think it's safer now to go than it would be during the day. Just grab a couple of other things too so it's not the only thing in the bag."

Sweets nodded and got up. He pulled on a T-shirt and a pair of converse and walked out the door. While he was gone, I sat up in bed and thought about how drastically our lives were about to change. If we saw two lines on that stick, it wouldn't be just us anymore. My stomach turned and I ran into the bathroom and vomited the second my mouth was over the toilet. I stayed there, sitting by the toilet and occasionally vomiting into it until Sweet Pea came back twenty minutes later.

We sat in comfortable silence as I chugged the water bottle he brought back, partially to get the puke taste out of my mouth and partially because I was so stressed in that moment that I couldn't have peed if my life depended on it. After what seemed like an eternity, I pulled the little brown paper bag out of the grocery bag he brought back and went in the bathroom.

When I came out a minute later, I had the test in my hand upside down. I sat it on the table in front of the couch and mumbled, "When the timer goes off, we look together."

Sweet Pea nodded and pulled me closer to him as he turned on the tv. We both sat there, not really paying attention to the show until my phone started going off. I sighed and sat up and looked at Pea with a scared look on my face until he reached over and grabbed the stick and said, "No matter what this test says, I'm with you."

"Are you ready?" Sweets asked as he took my hand with his free one. I bit my lip and squeezed my eyes shut as he turned over the test.

"Well?" I asked, opening one eye and looking at Sweets, who was looking at the result screen with a mixture of emotions on his face, "Sweets? Baby say something."

Sweet Pea sat the test stick down and put his arms tightly around me. He gently kissed the top of my head, and he kept one arm around my shoulders as he carefully brought his hand down to rest on my stomach, "Cat, we're having a baby."

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