(F/N) sighed and glanced back at North, "Okay...hypothetically if I could be in two places at once, that takes care of Amanda."

(F/N) turned to Markus and North, "So then we just have to worry about the government. North what's our status on weapons?"

North smiled at the question, her anger from before, disappearing, Markus frowned and immediately started to voice his concern, "Weapons? I thought you wanted to do this peacefully?"

North smirked and glanced at Markus, she answered the question "I managed to move some guns here before the Jericho raid, we have enough to effectively arm all our people."

Markus shook his head and looked at (F/N), "You can't be serious? What happened to being better than them?"

(F/N) looked at Markus roughly, "That part of me died when I saw those soldiers gun down our people at Jericho, like FUCKING animals! I tried to talk to them, I gave them the opportunity. But that didn't work. If they want a war. I'm more than happy to give it to them."

Markus took a step back, (F/N) was clearly emotional, but Markus refused to back down, "I saw it to, I was there...but please don't give up on peace yet. You're underestimating the human's...they'll listen...please."

(F/N) looked into Markus's mismatched eyes, he felt his anger fading, "Fine! But we're bringing weapons just in case."

North looked at Markus, angrily, she was disappointed to say the least, "But that still doesn't change the fact they'll kill us. We don't have the kind of numbers to stand up to them."

(F/N) turned to Connor, after North's statement, an idea had formed in his head, they both came to the same conclusion and said, "The CyberLife Assembly plant." Markus and North looked at the two strangely, (F/N) was the first to speak, "There are thousands of androids there...if we could wake them up then."

Connor finished (F/N)'s sentence, "It could be enough to shift the balance of power, but we would have to defeat Amanda first, or the second we turn them on she'll take them over."

Markus nodded, "then (F/N) needs to go. He's the only one capable of defeating Amanda on her home turf." (F/N) shook his head, "No, I can't, Markus you should go...I can work with North I can..."

North interrupted, "Remember when I said you pretend like you could be in two places at once?What if I you could?"

(F/N) raised an eyebrow, he looked at North, his attention was off of Markus and on her, "What do you mean exactly?"

North bit her lip, debating whether she should tell (F/N) or not, "I found something else, in the weapons...you should probably come look at it." North walked out of the backroom, (F/N) glanced back at Connor and Markus as he followed her. North led (F/N) to a corner in the room, sure enough there was a bunch of rifles, hand guns, shotguns, even an RPG, North had clearly gone all out.

(F/N)'s eyes widened, "Holy Shit North, where'd you get all this?"

North smirked, she was glad to see that reaction, but she walked over to a container, she put her hand on it. "I raided a military warehouse, and I found all of this, plus I found him."

North knocked on the container, it looked big enough to fit a human, it was from CyberLife. North suddenly moved to the side and undid the latches for the container. (F/N)'s eyes widened when he saw an android without it's synthetic skin, it stared blankly ahead.

(F/N) looked at North for an explanation, "You kept him in there? You didn't awaken him?"

North shook her head, "I tried that...but as it turns out, he doesn't even have a consciousness." North snapped her fingers in front of the android's face to emphasize her point, the android didn't even flinch. North added, "The lights are on but no ones home, but that doesn't mean someone can't break in."

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