Chapter Ten-The Resort-(VII)

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The Detective wondered whether The Resort was full of mad people. Everyone seemed to be caring; everyone seemed to answer his questions.

Yet there was a problem.

Not all people wanted to see him.

He reached the foyer's entrance where more guests were arriving. They were holding their suitcases; they were talking to Randolph; they were happy.

He spotted Gerta, the German maid, smoking nervously.

"Excuse me, does The Resort have a No Smoking policy?".

"Rauchen ist nicht verboten in der Anlage".

Randolph spoke.

"Smoking is not banned here".

"But the health...".

"If we banned smoking, we ban all of life's vices. In short, Gerta is within her right to smoke. There's a "No Smoking" area in the pool area...and in the rooms".

"That's good".

"What do you do, Gerta?".

"Ich habe alle von der Reinigung der VIP-Bereich und die reservierten Zimmer im Resort". She finished her cigarette, then stomped on it with her right, black, shoe.

"I see. So all of the VIPs and Reserved guests pay extra".

"Yes", she said in broken English. 

"Who is in Room 28?".

"Mister Geogmani".

"He's not a VIP...".

"He the Reserved area of The Resort", Randolph said.

"Where is he?".

"Here...and there".

"I need to see him now".

And he ignored them...and rushed towards Room 28.


Room 28 was closed.

He banged on the door. Twice.

"DETECTIVE GIOZZIANI! POLICE! MISTER GEOGMANI!". He noticed the key was gone. He walked away, then reached the Reception Area.

"Er wird also nicht nur hier an diesem Morgen, Detektiv". He stopped near where the German maid stared at him.

"Where is he?".


"No one is truly out. If you're hiding him, Gerta, then you'll be arrested for harboring a murderer at The Resort".

"Ich bin kein Mörder".

"She says she's not a murderer", Randolph translated.

"Well, he will have to come back. Here's my card in case he shows up. Because I'll be at The Resort all day...and night. And my I-phone number, too". He walked out of the front door of The Resort...and let Randolph and Gerta shivering with fear.

Page 11.

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