Chapter Two-The Resort-(I)

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The Resort loomed high in the Arizona mountains.

He wore a red jacket, black jeans, and a snake-skin belt. He had been in the Arizona mountains two years' ago, when his wife, Cassandra, was murdered by a axe killer. That, in turn, shook his faith in the police; that, as a result, forced him to change his lifestyle...and his job writing about food online. It paid little money, and John knew what was the score: he needed a break. And The Resort's glossy brochure caught his eye while he wrote his horror novels on his new laptop...and wondered whether Hollywood cared about gory horror books that he read in the ancient libraries back in the late 70's, and early 80's.

He stared at the framed picture of Cassandra on their wedding day in 1994. Two decades ago. They were both 20 years' old; they were young, bright, and she loved him; they were both joined together by movies, books, and children.

Well, eventually.

Until she said: "I can't have children, John. The doctor says I have pelvic inflammatory disease. And I...'".

And she broke down.

"It's okay honey".

And, after a long marriage in which they doted on her sister's five kids, (and other peoples' kids), meant that the horror of what happened to Cassandra, the worst thing that ever to him. He reached the front entrance to The Resort, took a long, deep, breath...And prayed to God that he would not suffer this time.

And, at almost 41, he was glad that the memories had vanished over the last two decades. The glass front door was guarded by an Italian woman in her 30's.

"Buona sera...Benvenuti al Resort. Il mio nome è Julia".

"Good evening...My name is John Morcher".

"Giovanni Morcher. Sì, ci si aspetta".


"Si prega di seguire me, Sir. La stanza 21. La hall è molto occupato con i portieri, e del personale". Julia smiled at John.

"Sono sicuro che potrai gestire i turisti, Julia".

"You know some Italian, John?", Julia asked in some English.

"Yes. But I haven't been since my wife died".

"I'm sorry".

"That's fine. It is a gorgeous Resort".

"Il Resort è stato costruito nel 1773. Circa un secolo prima della Guerra Civile Americana nel 1860's".

Room 21 was to the right.

"We're here!".

Julia grabbed the door key.

"Here's the room, John. I hope that once you're relaxed, you can have fun. Dinner is in the Main Hall. You can order now".

"Ah, sure. After I put my luggage...".

Julia flicked on the light with her small, left, hand.


The room illumed the medium-sized bed.

Inside was a King-Sized bed; two lamps to the left and right; a mahoghany cupboard to the far left; a restroom to the far middle; and two French windows to the far right, that was covered in maple curtains, that had an exotic feel to The Resort.

"It's beautiful".

"Sì, le finestre sono il modo per l'anima.  Le tende sono simili in Canada; l'arredamento è elegante. Il villaggio è rinomato per l'alta classe per i nostri ospiti".

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