I could see some girls staring at me, giving me flirty looks, but I ignored them, for some reason I found myself wanting a flirty look from Alice only. We stopped in the middle of the crowd and the music couldnt be any better! I put both hands on her small waist and pressed her forwards to me totally enjoying this moment right now.

She smiled widely at me and wrapped her arms around my neck bringing me impossibly closer to her, her touch sent a pleasurable shiver down my spine making me grin more, oh man lets see how good this girl is!

We began to dance and holly damn did she know how to dance dirty! Not that I was complaining hell no! The way she danced against me was such a damn turn on!

This girl was too good to be true!

Our chests rubbed against each other and her hips were swaying perfectly to the beat of the music, I wondered if I slid my hands down to her ass would she back away from me? Would that be stepping over the line?

I have to admit, the more we danced the more she turned me on, she really did look like she knew what she was doing and I couldnt be enjoying this more! Maybe it was the confident look she had in her eyes, or maybe the way she smiled, or just the fact that her breasts were rubbing against my chest.

I dont know all I knew is that she turned me on and there was nothing more to it! I wanted to take her to my bed and make her scream my name so badly! But did she feel the same way though? She looked like she was enjoying herself or was it the alcohol that was influencing her?

"You're doing good, you havent stepped on my toes yet" she half yelled at me due to the loud music.

I laughed and leaned in forwards to her, "It's you who's doing good," I told her honestly getting a smell of her hair, it smelled like strawberries making me grin.

She laughed and began to grind on me more making me get impossibly more turned on! How was it possible, I have no damn clue!

I stared at her, at her perfect smile, those sexy looking lips, her big hazel eyes, the way she moved in front of me was almost perfect, like if she were meant to be in between my arms!

She's so freaking hot!

I just want to kiss her already! I want to explore every inch of her body and take her to heaven!

What'd I do to feel those lips on mine!

No James, come on, be a gentleman, you just can kiss her like that! A little voice in my head tried to convince me that my perverted thoughts were bad.

When the next song ended I couldnt help it, I couldnt control myself anymore, fuck it Im not holding back, I thought as I grabbed either side of her head and crashed my lips to her taking her by total surprise but to my amazing luck she didnt pull back, she wrapped her arms around my neck tighter and pulled me forwards making me kiss her harder.

I almost moaned in her mouth! Oh her lips on mine felt so amazing! I wanted to kiss every inch of her skin, I've never been more turned on in my life, and she hadnt even done anything! Crap I was in trouble!

I couldnt take this anymore, I had to make her mine!

Who cared if I was stepping over the line?

"Do you want to go somewhere?" I asked breathlessly as I pulled back, please say yes, nothing will make me happier if you say yes! Let me rock your world tonight, I was praying in my head.

She blinked back and looked a little surprised, oh shit great going James she doesent want you like you want her you dumbass I thought feeling slightly disappointed.

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