Chapter 30

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Alice P.O.V

It only took me a couple of seconds to put one and one together.

Anger invaded me, anger and confusion rushed all into me so fast I didn't realize I was clenching the picture of the ultrasound hard in my fingers.

No! I thought angrily, no this can't be...

But then, who's else would it be? This has got to be a joke! Some sick joke, I thought furiously.

My fingers began to tremble with anger as I stared more at the tiny ultrasound. The more I stared at it the more furious I became! I couldn't believe it! This wasn't some type of joke! This was an actual ultrasound, it was real! And what I wanted to know was why the hell hadn't James told me before?! Was he even planning on telling me?

"No, no, no, hell fucking no!" I whispered under my breath standing up like a rocket.

I stood up so fast that I forgot James had been lying on top of my legs, he rolled down to the floor and landed with a thump "Ow!" I heard him groan sleepily.

"James!" I growled angrily, I wanted to also scream get up you piece of shit, but I refrained myself from doing so.

Calm down Ally, maybe all of this is a joke, this must have a perfect logical explanation, I told myself over and over again so I wouldn't burst out saying stupid things in anger! But truth was I wanted to yell out so many things!

I was so angry, so confused and okay yeah maybe a little worried and scared.

James looked up at me from the floor and blinked the sleep away "Did I fall?" he mumbled sitting up.

He hadn't realized I was clutching the tiny paper in my hands, I glared at him and stayed silent, I just...I couldn't talk right now! If I opened my mouth then I was most likely going to call him names that would greatly offend him.

He rubbed his face and slowly stood up "I'm sorry I fell asleep" he said giving me a sheepish grin but he immediately frowned when his eyes landed on my face.

"Ally, what's up?" he asked.

I continued to glare at him, "What?" he asked getting confused "Stop looking at me that way, what's wrong?" he asked.

With a trembling hand I raised the little paper to show him what was wrong! He flickered his eyes to the paper and suddenly, just like that, realization dawned down on him so fast that any trace of sleep was long gone from his face getting replaced by what I could only guess be as surprise.

"Oh, fuck" he whispered quietly staring at the paper in my hand as if it were a small bomb.

"Yeah, oh fuck!" I said through gritted teeth.

He gave me a worried pleading look almost immediately, "Ally, please baby-"

"Don't you baby me!" I interrupted angrily "Jessie is pregnant?!" I hollered.

He winced when I said it out loud and for a brief second he looked almost nervous.

"Well? Is she?!" I demanded feeling tense. Please let it be a joke, I prayed, but from the look of his face I could feel my stomach already sinking.

"James answer! Is Jessie pregnant?!" I asked louder.

He looked at me almost miserably "Yes, yes she is Ally" he said quietly.

I was expecting it really, so I don't know why it surprised me so much, I mean, I had the evidence right there in my hand. I guess I was hoping for him to say no, to say it was all a prank he was going to play on me.

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