Halloween Part 2

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   Almost, as if she was dead. I put my ear closer to her nose and mouth, there was barely a breath. I felt her forehead she was burning up.

   "Inmate No.13, No.13 wake up. Y/n L/n! Y/n get up!" She turned over just a little.

     "Hi Hajime, it took you so long to find me stupid!" She laughed.

      "What should I give you!?"I yelled if she died this would tarnish my record.

      "The needles." Her voice was weak I gave her both needles and then sat at her beside her aw fever went down I noticed how cute she is.

     "No. What the hell am I thinking..."
Nico's Pov

  "Okay Brats I have your Halloween costumes."Hajime said walking into our cell.

  "Where's Y/n we wanted to dress up together."I pouted.

   "She's in the infirmary."Hajime awnsered.

   "What!?Why!?"Rock asked.

   "Yea what did you do to our princess!?" Uno asked.

    "Nothing she got sick. So I'm having Seitarou and Yamato trick or treat with you for her." He ordered.

   "What about you Hajime?" I asked.

   "Well you know, I'll do my paper work and then maybe head to the infirmary after." He looked away while talking.

    "No way!" Uno yelled. "You're crushing on her you dumb gorilla!" Uno yelled furiously.

    "I am not!" He yelled pissed.

    "Not like she'd fall for you anyway baldy!" Juygo yelled.

    "Yeah I'm too cute for her to fall for you." I added.

   "Well there's one advantage I have over all of you." He smirked.

   "What is it Hajime?"I asked and he laughed.

   "Authority." With that he walked away swinging the keys around in a circle on his finger.

Random Pov

    Hajime was sitting in the infirmary and Y/n who was basically like a 3 year old when she was sick was forcing him to feed her. "Thank you Hajime." She smiled.

    "For what?" He asked.

"You may be a jackass when it comes to being a gaurd, but when it comes to being a person your a lot less of a jackass." She smiled and he he glared.

  "Just go to sleep you little chicken shit." He ordered and turned off the light, after that they both fell asleep. With that Halloween is over.

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