Solitary Confinement

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Your Pov

   I lashed out and attacked people I cared about again I'm a monster. I'll spend everyday and night in here for the rest o my life it means they'll never be hurt by me again.

  I banged my head against the wall until it was dented, and I saw the red thick liquid gush from my head, I smiled to myself. I'm just a monster in it's perfect environment. "Would you and Juygo cut it out with the little victim act. I cut the feed of all the security cameras in the room, so might as well get rid of the chains."He spoke to me as if I'm a monster. I knew it...

   "I'm good. Why should I? It won't help? It won't change a thing. I'm tired of using something that only causes me pain." I informed him.

   "I see well numbers 634 and 15 wish to speak to you." He turned on the Walkie Talkie.

  "I'm going to cut the crap and let it all out. What I'm looking to talk about is the man with the scar." Musashi informed and a memory of me in that bloody white room caused a shiver to run down my spine.

   "You two are both looking for him right? Well so am I." He informed.

   "How much do you both know about him?"Musashi asked and he just kept listing questions.

  "No I don't know, that's what I was hoping to learn from you."Juygo mumbled and I kept quiet.

   "So the whole reason you two want to find this guy is so he can take your shakles off and...Y/n why do you want to find him?"Musahi asked and I kept quiet looking at Hajime. He can't know why I'm a monster.

   "To...To help a friend."I hid my face as my nose twitched slightly symbolizing me lying. I knew Hajime would catch the slightest change from me.

Hajime's Pov

  I listened to the three I knew something was up. This conspiracy goes deep. "Playing with human body is nothing for him, he's a run of the mill Dr.Frankinstien." Musashi told us his story and the whole time I couldn't help, but stare at Y/n. To help a friend?

   Who was this friend? What happened to them? She has friends? So many thoughts ran through my head.

   "I'll make him pay. He won't get away with what he's done. If I die to as long as I get to murder that bastard first. Well at least that's what I used to think I can't light up any more. It's a little fuzzy, but I think the doctors did something to surpress my powers. Now I'm just a regular inmate" Musashi  was coming to the end of his thoughts so I went to Juygo.

   "Musashi wait! Damn he's annoying talk about an idiot." Juygo sighed.

   "Who are you to judge? You're empty." I glared. "I know everything about you, I've been monitoring you constantly I thought you had some hidden motive or something. My bad I overestimated you."I picked up the Walkie Talkie.

   "Wait! Is there something I'm missing?"He asked. "I've always been living to live. So when I got these shackles there was something I wanted..."He rambled on and on.

  "Idiot. This is bullshit. Stop being a brat. Number 15 why did you come here? What the hell are you doing?" I asked. He glared at me. "We won the new years tournament. You can have anything you want. What do you want?"

   "Anything?....I....I want a chance!..." I smiled there's still hope for him.

   After putting Juygo back in the cell I went to Y/n. "Inmate number 13."

   "....." There was no answer just a bleeding mess of a girl sitting there.

  "We won the new years tournament. You can have anything you want. What do you want?" He asked and she looked at me.

Random Pov

    "What do you think of me? Do you see me as a monster? Do you hate me? Will they hate me? Will-."He cut her off.

   "Shut up! You want to know what I think! You're a little punk. You try to act tough, but truth is you're a little weak crybaby. But for some reason I can't bring myself to hate you, and I don't think they can either."He watched as her eyes had finally gotten their sparkle again.


  "In the next 30 seconds you will no longer be my inmate what do you want?" He asked and she looked surprised.

  "I want...To be your inmate forever!" She yelled and she smiled. I felt my heart beat quickly when she said that.

    "Then get your self out of those chains and come get your number tag." She nodded eating the chains and walking over to me.

   "Thank you Hajime."

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⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jun 23, 2019 ⏰

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