You can do this.

I took a deep breath in before summoning the courage to leave. If I didn't go now, I never would. When I reached the studio, Christopher was already in the middle of the room, stretching.

"What took you so long?" he joked, his usual smile on his face.

I tried to reply to him, but my breath caught in my throat, making it nearly impossible. Instead of saying an actual word, a weird grunt came out from me instead. My face turned a bright red as I quickly turned away from him, setting my bag down in the corner.

I took off my sweatpants and sweatshirt to reveal the outfit that Sam had picked for me underneath. I gave myself one last short pep talk before putting my game face on.

"I was just finding something in my locker," I responded huskily, sauntering towards him. His eyes grew wide as he scanned me up and down. I was so focused on his facial expression that I didn't notice his gym shoe on the floor and tripped over it, nearly falling before regaining my balance. My face grew a bright red.

How embarrassing!

"Are you okay?" he asked, worry evident on his face.

"I'm good," I announced, trying not to die of shame. I just needed to shake it off and get my head back in the game.

I grabbed a piece of my hair and began twirling it in between my fingers as I continued towards him.

"I was thinking about our routine and how we should add a kiss to the end for dramatic effect."

My finger got caught in a knot, causing it to be stuck in my hair. I yanked at it a few times before it finally became free, but not before creating a loud ripping noise. I smoothed out my hair before trying to continue.

"What do you think about adding it?" I finished. I placed my hand on his bicep and leaned in close to him as I waited for his response. However, my hand was so sweaty that it slipped right off of his arm, leaving a wet trail behind it.

He stared at me with a look that I could only imagine was a mix between confusion and disgust before asking me again, "Are you sure you're okay?"

My eyes brimmed with tears as I realized that I had just made a completely fool of myself. If it was Melanie she would have had no problem seducing Christopher, but I couldn't be sexy if my life depended on it. All that I wanted to do was hide under a rock and never get out from under it.

His eyes looked concerned as he stared into mine. "Seriously Brielle, what's wrong?"

Although he was trying to help, that question only set me over the edge, I quickly turned away from him as tears spilled down my face.

"I have to go," I responded before grabbing my dance bag and clothes. I ran out of the studio and towards the parking lot, trying to get to my house as quickly as I could. All that I wanted to do was go home and acted like this never happened.

I just felt so stupid. Not only for thinking that I could ever pull this off, but for thinking that there was any chance that Christopher could like me. He could have his pick of any girl in the school, and for some strange reason I thought that he would want me?

I briskly walked towards my neighborhood, trying to put as much distance between me and Christopher as possible. However, when I looked over my shoulder, I saw him running towards me.

I picked up my pace as I wiped away my tears, not wanting him to see me like this. Despite my efforts he quickly reached me, and easily fell in pace with my quick strides.

"You've been acting really weird today Brielle," he stated, staring at me. "What's wrong?"

I couldn't even bring myself to look at him, let alone respond. I just settled on telling him to go away before quickening my pace.

He grabbed onto my arm, stopping me in my tracks and bringing us face to face. I stared down at my feet until he placed his hand under my chin pulling it up so that I was looking at him.

He looked at me with warm eyes. "You can tell me."

I wanted to. I wanted to tell him how I felt, but I just couldn't. I couldn't let myself be vulnerable. And even if I wanted to tell him, whenever I tried to say the words my brain automatically stopped me.

"I can't." My voice cracked on the last word.

He placed his hand on the back of my head, stroking my cheek with his thumb. "You can tell me anything."

I wanted to believe that. I wanted to believe him, but I knew that everything would change. If he rejected me, everything would be awkward and I didn't know if I could handle it.

But as I looked into his eyes, something in them made me want to change my mind and take the risk. Something in them made me want to tell him how I felt and trust him with my heart. I didn't know how to articulate how I felt about him without tripping over my words, so I did the first thing that came to my mind.

I kissed him.

I pressed my lips to his, hoping and praying that he would do something. Anything. His lips stayed frozen against mine. My heart dropped.

He isn't kissing me back.

Right as I was about to pull away, his other hand grabbed onto the back of my head as he pulled my face towards his, our mouths moving against one another's in sync. The world seemed to fade away as it was just me and him in the moment.

I had never believed in fireworks. But standing here with Christopher, with goosebumps all over my body and my heart racing, I was a full believer. Time seemed to freeze as I was unaware if we were kissing for seconds or hours. When we finally pulled away, we were both breathless.

A smile stretched upon my face, but his eyes quickly became dark and unreadable. Before I had the chance to ask him what was wrong, he dropped both of his hands from my face and looked away.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do this."

And with that, he ran away.


Sorry doesn't even describe how apologetic I am for this late upload guys. I promise to be more consistent! I just want to thank all of you guys who are still reading and enjoying this book. All your love and support for this book and the characters mean the absolute world to me! ily <3

This chapter's featured reader is _lemmeread_ ! She created a cover for this book which I really appreciate. Thank you for your support!


Dancing With The Player | ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon