Chapter Twenty-Five.

Start from the beginning

"So, we get to spend the whole day together. How fun." He smiles, squeezing my hand.



"Wh-" I stop myself for a minute to regain my composure. "What are we exactly?"

"I don't know." He sighs. "What do you want to be?"

"I-I don't know, I kinda thought we than friends." I stutter.

"Well, then." He gets down on one knee.

"Luke, what are you doing? Get up before people start to look over here." I giggle as he takes my hand in his.

"Katy Cowell, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" He looks up at me, ignoring my comment.

"Yes, Luke. I will be your girlfriend." I smile as he picks me up and spins me around. He finally puts me back down before kissing my lips.

"Are you Katy Cowell?"

"Yes," The rest of the day goes by plan and I end up getting the job at Aeropostal.

"How about a movie?" He questions.

"Sure," We end up going to see 22 Jump Street at the CinemaClock before going home around seven in the evening.

"Look who decided to come home." Lauren teases as she puts salad on everyone's plates. 

"Well, what're you waiting for? Sit down." Simon gestures to the extra chairs between Louis and Zayn. Of course. Luke sits next to Zayn and I sit next to Louis- not on purpose. Everyone's talking and laughing as Luke sets his hand on my left thigh and smiles down at me before bending to kiss my head, making my giggle and look down. I grab his hand and intertwine our fingers, smiling up at him. I turn and see everyone staring at us.

"Oh, uhm, yeah. Luke and I are kinda dating.." I trail off shyly. After a minute of silence and processing, everyone cheers except Zayn and Louis who glare at us. After about fifteen minutes, Louis leans over to whisper harshly in my ear.

"I hope you know Luke is only trying to get in your pants." I look over to see him smirking, arms crossed. I quickly stand up and throw my napkin onto my plate, as does he, before slapping him in the face.

"Fuck you, Tomlinson." I spit as I storm upstairs and slamming my door. I jog around the corner and into my bathroom. I open my mirrors and drawers, throwing everything out as I look for my razors. I finally find them and go sit on the edge of the bathtub.

"Katy?" I hear from outside of the locked bathroom door. Now that I think about it, I find myself here a lot. I ignore them as I press the razor to my wrist and slide across, hard. 

"Katy, it's Liam and Harry. Open up." I ignore them, trying to stay as quiet as possible while I add more and more to my wrist, deeper each time.

"We know you're in there, we can hear you sniffling." I get too deep. I give a small yelp and hiss.

"Katy? Katy, open this door right now before we kick it in!" I shake my head, tears rolling down my face and quiet sobs coming out of my mouth. They kick the door seven times before it finally breaks.

"Oh, God." Liam breathes as Harry runs over to me. Liam runs over with a white towel, bandages, and a wrap for my wrist. Harry pulls me from the toilet seat to the ground on his lap where he holds me tightly. Liam works on my wrist as I look up at Harry, my tears dry.

"Harry?" I choke.

"Yes, love?" He whispers.

"Is there something wrong with me?" I let a tear slip, but Harry catches it.

"No!" He exclaims quietly. "No, not at all."

"Th- Then why does Louis hate me?" I stutter. He sighs and stay quiet for a minute or so as he and Liam have a conversation with their eyes.

"He- He doesn't hate you. He's too afraid to admit he lost the best things that's ever happened to him, so he's pegging you as the worst thing that's ever happened to him." He explains truthfully.

"Let's get you downstairs to tell everyone goodnight." Liam says as he helps me stand up. They glance at my wrist.

"Please," I beg. "Please don't tell them."

"If we don't and something happens to you, we won't be able to live with ourselves." Liam stares me directly in the eyes.

"But nothing else will happen, I promise. It was just a little relapse." I persuade and they sigh and nod.


"Yay! Thank you, boys! I really do love you!" I lean up and kiss their cheeks before we all go downstairs.

"Everything's fine." Harry lies for me.

"I'm going to bed. Goodnight." I say before planting a long kiss on Luke's lips, making sure Louis was watching, and heading upstairs to bed.



Hey, I'm back & I'm thinking about ending this book soon.


Lots of love,

Alex. <3 xx

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