They think they can save me

Start from the beginning

"Yes sir." I say under my breath. I roll my eyes, but I'm almost in my room and he can't see me. I shut the door behind me.

I finally dose off after midnight.

The next day, I put the clothes in a bag to give back to Mrs. Banks but I already know she won't take them back.

During first period, my name is called over the intercom.

"Mr. Davenport, do you have Cecilia Tucker in your room?"

"Yes I do!" He calls out.

"She needs to be excused to come to the office please."

That gets the class going. "Ohh you're in trouble."

I shake my head, these people need to grown up that is so elementary.

"Well Ms. Tucker, you may be excused." Says Mr. Davenport.

I'm rarely ever called up to the office. Well in Elementary I was quite often until I learned to keep my mouth shut; now I never go. I make my way up front and the secretary tells me to have a seat.

When the door opens Mrs. Johnson gestures for me to come into her office. I walk in thinking it's just me and her but there are two other people here in suits and they both have on badges with their names in printed bold letters.

They both stand up at the same time to introduce themselves. "Hi Cecilia, my name is Jessica Lasher and this is Rebecca Bush."

Mrs. Johnson smiles at me. She seems nervous. "Cecilia Mrs. Lasher and Mrs. Bush just want to ask you a few questions. I'm going to step out of the room but if you need me I will be in the front office alright."

I watch as she leaves me there with these two strangers.

"Please have a seat," says Mrs. Lasher. "We are from child protective services we got a call with a concern with your environment at home."

I know who called. I don't even have to ask. I knew it was only a matter of time but after yesterday I knew she would do it. I seen the look in her eyes when she seen my bruised up damaged body.

"Do you mind if we ask you a few questions?" says Mrs. Bush.

I shake my head.

"How old are you Cecilia?"


"And is it just you in the home with your parents or do you have siblings?"

"Nope just me and them."

"How would you describe your relationship with your parents?"


"In other words, do you get along with them?"

"It is what it is." It's not that I want to give them the run around. I don't mean to, it's just I was always taught what happens at home stays at home. I know I should come right out and tell them everything but I'm afraid of the outcome.

They look at each other. Then Mrs. Lasher says, "Cecilia does your father touch you inappropriately?"


"He never lays a hand on you in any way?"

"Not sexually thankfully if that's what you're implying."

"Ok what about physically, does he hit you, punish you more than he should?"


"Cecilia we are here to help you. Look we have a lot of reasons to believe that he is not only physically but mentally abusing you as well."

"What if he can't stop him no one can. He is a pathological liar. He will make you believe anything and you will."

"Not us Cecilia, we believe in you. You have to be honest with us. Tell us what is going on so that we can help you?"


"Cecilia, look I brought my camera we would like to take a few pictures of the bruises for evidence if that is alright with you?"

"Can you get Mrs. Banks in here please?" I ask as I bring my knees up closer to my chest. I pull myself into a tight ball and bury my head into my knees. I can feel the panic attack coming. My heart is racing and my breathing picks up pace. I want to scream but I don't, I hold it in and it feels like I am going to explode.

Within minutes Mrs. Banks is kneeling beside me. "Cecilia I'm here." She pats my knee, while rubbing my back. "Cecilia it's time to be strong and brave you got this. You can do anything."

I look at her. "I'm scared." I admit to her.

"I know sweetheart, it's all going to be o.k. I promise."

"I'm not that scared to show them...I'm scared of what is going to happen."

"Cecilia it's going to be alright," she reassures me.

I roll up my sleeves and they take a few pictures. Mrs. Banks helps me hold up the back of my shirt and they take a few more pictures.

"Would it be possible to take your shirt off; you can leave your bra on."

I look at Mrs. Banks, begging for some kind of help. She tries to smile at me and she nods in understanding even when I don't say a word.

"Would it be possible if I take the pictures just the two of us in here? I think this is just too much for her to take in?" She looks back over at me.

They look at each other then hand her the camera. "We will step out for a few seconds. If possible we need every part that has a bruise."

When they leave I look at her like they have got to be kidding. Hell I should just strip down naked, then they could just take one maybe two pictures and get it over with.

"Cecilia it's just me now. You are safe with me." She keeps telling me that everything is going to be ok but I know it's not.

My hands tremble as I unbutton my shirt and slide it off my arms. My eyes swell with tears, this is humiliating. I look up at the ceiling and start counting the number of square tiles, anything to get my mind off of what is happening.

"I need to see the rest Cecilia." She says softly.

I take a deep breath as I unbutton my jeans and pull them off. I only have on my worn out bra and panties. My body trembles as she rushes to take the pictures. Evidence they say that will help my case. Evidence of my father's abuse.

"Okay sweetheart that should do it."

I rush to put my clothes back on while she opens the door. She hands them back the camera and they skim through the pictures making sure Mrs. Banks got what they need.

I see it in their faces; I'm the girl falling through the cracks. My body is completely covered in old and new bruises and scars from being cut by various objects, mostly by him but also by me. My arms are mine. I did that to myself. I did it and if they ask I will admit to it.

Why because there have been many nights that I would rather just die and end the pain. Like now, seeing it in their eyes...I feel so worthless and frail like I'm going to crumble into a million pieces and no one would ever be able to put me back together.

And to beat it all...I just exposed seventeen years of my life and deep down I know there is nothing they can do to save me.


Sorry guys did not realize this chapter was so long...but hope you enjoyed it. Please feel free to comment on thoughts, ideas about the story line and if you are liking it vote and if you love it share it. You guys are awesome and thanks for reading.

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