As they strolled along looking for somewhere to hang out their attention was drawn to two police cars and a number of cops speaking to people both inside and outside of the nearby stores, "woah do you think there was an accident or something?" Lisa asked. Jennie looked around, "I don't know, there isn't any ambulances or doctors so maybe a crime". "Wait!" Lisa said abruptly, "that's Elizabeth speaking to one of the cops, she looks upset we should go ask what happened". Jennie's eyes bulged, "uh that is Elizabeth Dustin Lis, you don't just run up to Elizabeth Dustin...". The Thai rolled her eyes, "me and Elizabeth are cool don't worry, she's a lot nicer than people think, it will be fine now come on". The brunette dragged her reluctant friend across the road towards the tearful head cheerleader who had just finished giving a statement to a police officer. "Is everything ok honey?" Lisa asked in a soft kind tone as she approached. Elizabeth instantly threw her arms around the tall Thai girl for comfort as she wept gently, "it's Kelly, Lisa. She's been officially reported missing and the police are asking around town about her last known whereabouts, nobody knows where she is". Lisa hugged the cheerleader back tightly as she rubbed her back, "it'll be ok, I'm sure she's alright and just off having fun somewhere. The police will find her ok? Don't lose hope". Jennie watched on awkwardly while standing next to the two girls, she knew this was a serious situation and she had no reason to be feeling so vulnerable but she couldn't help but feel intimidated by the most popular girl in school, the dark haired Korean was a lot softer and shyer than most people realised.

The snow crunched underneath the two girls' feet as it settled on the ground beneath them getting thicker and thicker as the minutes went by. "It's crazy how many girls skip town, I guess this is why you hippies have such a bad reputation around here" Jennie said as they walked with linked arms. "Yeah..." Lisa replied cynically, "why do you think it is, that they all leave?". Jennie sighed as she trailed her free hand across the hood of a parked car, creating a line in the snow, "because this town is just so boring, I don't blame them". Lisa thought back to what the waitress said earlier, "don't you find it weird that it is only girls going leaving town, I mean why don't the men find it boring too?". The older girl shrugged, "guys leave here too but they leave on the new college scholarships and opportunities that girls just don't get. All there is for women here is getting married to a guy and looking after his children". "But why are they all getting classified as missing? Why do they leave and never contact anyone again? Jen think about it, are you sure this is just girls skipping town, there could be something sinister going on here" the suspicious Thai replied. Jennie smiled as she grabbed Lisa's hand, "you're so silly, stop trying to creep me out. Do you think they've been abducted by aliens or something? Lis you haven't lived in this town long and you already can't stand to stay here, you're said you had private stuff and I might not see you again right? This place sucks, these girls have to run to get away, I envy their bravery, I want to go too". "Where would you go?" Lisa asked. "Everywhere" she replied. 

Jennie kneeled on the edge of her garage roof, holding her hand out so Lisa could climb up. "Come on" the older girl said as she pushed open her bedroom window "we need to find you something warm to wear, you can't travel home like it it's freezing". "It's kind of you but I think I'll be" Lisa took a look at Jennie's room after she climbed through the window, Jennie had posters of Elvis Presley, Mick Jagger, John Lennon and other idols of the 60s, stuffed toys on her bed a figures on the desk along with make-up products, her room could of easily been any of the rooms in the girls' dorms in Lisa's school in Korea. "You're kinda tall but I'll have something that fits don't worry" the black haired girl said sweetly while looking through her closet. The Thai checked out Jennie's room some more while she waited, playing with the music box on her desk and picking up an unnamed book from the side. -Wait, is this her diary? Oh crap- Lisa couldn't deny she was tempted to read it but would never invade her friend's privacy like that. "See anything interesting?". Jennie's sudden voice startled Lisa and caused her to panic and drop the diary, flicking it around in the air clumsily as she desperately attempted to catch it as it fell, "I uh, I didn't read it I swear I was just looking at your stuff and...and" she rambled as she placed the diary back down onto the desk. The older girl giggled, "relax, I know you didn't it. Besides, it's only a dummy to trick my parents anyway. My mom likes to snoop so I have a fake diary that I just talk about school and my grades so she doesn't get upset, my real diary is hidden". "Am I in it?" Lisa asked excitedly. Jennie smirked, "and what would I have to write about you?" suddenly both girls remembered their kiss the other night and looked away from each other awkwardly. "Anyway..." the younger girl said.

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