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His lips collided into mine like fire taking up on the ice, he ate me up, broke down my walls in the blink of an eye and fuelled the fire within my hungry mind

He was my air to breathe and without which I was suffocating; he was the water, the meal I took in, each day at six pm I demand, sitting at my table and cutting his heart up.

We drained but also fed eachother, creating the perfect cycle; I wanted to improve, reach my highest, grow by and with him but at one point might even leave him.

Once on the peak of the cliff, standing on it like on top of the Babylon tower, seeking the knowledge and the power that holds, I looked up at the sky, searching the blue mass and meeting the pair of unfamiliar golden eyes. It was him, our preached God, our Creator, we fought a silent duel in which he came out as the victor. Of course, mankind being the one beaten once again in the body of mine, craving too much, wanting to rise above, above the biggest, the most powerful, the wisest.

I knew it, ever since I reached my lowest, I wanted my greatest. I knew it, I'm selfish and reckless, two traits which combined result in deathly tests, I knew it, I'd play with others, I knew I'd use them, and my gained knowledge to turn them.

I'm a seeker, a rebel, a fighter. I've been longing for challenge, a task out of the box I've been stuck in for so long.

When I met you, in that chilly night, discovered your ebony eyes, I knew it, you'll be my escape from the boredom in which I've been continuously burning alive.

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