The Real you

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Yusaku spent the entire night searching for any records of Kuro.
Kusonagi came back with a cup of coffee.
"Yusaku. I know you want brinh back Kuro, but you need to rest. You've been through a lot."
" I won't rest until I bring Kuro back." He said, looking at the duel disk, "after all.. he's waiting."

It took a few weeks for Yusaku to find Kuro.
"So he been asleep the entire time. Waiting for his conscious to return." Kusonagi said, reading the information presented.
"Yes. And we need to hurry. They are planning on taking him off of life support soon if he doesn't wake up"

Yusaku barged in the hospital, demanding to know where Kuro was. After locating his room, he saw to nurses removing wires and tubes from the body.
"Wait! Don't take him off of it yet!"
The nurses turned.
"It's too late for him" one of the nurses said. Yusaku shook his head.
"No. I can save him." Yusaku said, removing his duel disk and placing it on Kuro's wrist.
One of the nurses sighed," what ever your doing, it's not going to work-"
Light began to shine from the duel disk and began to flow into Kuro's body. The nurses all gaped at the image before them. Yusaku held Kuro's hand.
"Please wake up... I full filled my promise. You need to fill your end
.." Yusaku pleaded, holding kuro's hand tightly.
Slight movement from the body scared the nurses. Yusaku watched as kuro was struggling to wake up.
"Kuro. I know it's hard for you right now, but you need to really try. If you don't I won't love you anymore."
A minute passed with Kuro's body suddenly going limp. Yusaku paniced, bending down to place Kuro's hand against his chest.
"P-please k-keep l-loving me y-yusaku..." Kuro croaked. Yusaku smiled, tears forming.
"Kuro... Welcome back.."
"Thank.. you Yusaku... " Kuro cried as his raspy voice filled the air. The nurses were so shocked with Kuro's sudden ressurection, they ran around the room, calling the doctors and cooks.
Yusaku kisses the back of Kuro's hand as he and Kuro exchanged smiles.
"You did it Yusaku.. you brought me back.."
"Of course I did. I made a promise."


After being discharged from the hospital, Kuro began to live a normal life with Yusaku and kusonagi. He attended school with Yusaku. Meeting Aoi and Takeru. Kuro was a one of a kind person. His smiles and laughs always brought the light out of everyone, especially Yusaku. He changed from being cold hearted and into a loving boyfriend. Kuro was very happy too. He got rid of his fear with heights.
However, even with a normal life, the knights of Hanoi were a problem. They were still after him and Yusaku told him stay out of VRAINS. Which of course Kuro didn't because he made a deal with Playmaker and that was to help him defeat the knights of Hanoi.
The two were an excellent team. Playmaker focused on attacking. while Ninetails focused of defense and support.

Everything was great. Perfect ideal life for the two.

One night, Yusaku and Kuro sat by the ocean, staring into the moon's reflection in the ocean's waters. Holding hands, kuro was snuggling with Yusaku.
"I love you Yusaku."
"I love you too Kuro." Yusaku replied back.
Kuro giggled.
Yusaku blushed," w-what is it?"
" Is it okay for me tell the world something?"
"What?" Yusaku asked, confused. Kuro couldn't help but smile as he stood up and spread his arms into the air.
"I'm going to tell the whole world that I love you Yusaku!"
"E-eh! But people will hear!" Yusaku stuttered, looking around for anyone but his face was pulled by Kuro.
" Look at me."
"I love you Yusaku."
"Uh..? But that was.."
"Quiet? I know.. because you're my whole world Yusaku. Ever since I met you. That's when my life started. Thank you "
Yusaku smiled and stood up to embrace Kuro.
"You are very welcome..." Yusaku whispered into Kuro's ear. He lifted up Kuro's chin and slowly inched forward. Tilting his head, his lips pressed against Kuro. Kuro melted into the kiss.
They didn't know how long they kisses but they didn't care. They were happy together and that is all that matters.

The end

Guardian Angel (Yusaku Fujiki/Playmaker x male oc /reader)Where stories live. Discover now