"Is something wrong, mom?" Dan asked in his sad mood."We came to pick you up to go to the hospital to visit Lani." Mom said."Oh, well. Let's go then." I said and we exited the school and got into the car. My mom hired a car from a car hiring place. Soon we arrived at Eugene Marais Hospital. The car came to a stop and we climbed out. My dad locked the car and we crossed the street and went into the hospital."Hi, how can I help you?" The receptionist said when we arrived."Lani Prins." Dan said and she let us in. We walked into her room and saw most of her scars healed. It looks good so far, but that doesn't mean she'll be fine. Something can still happen. Dan was immediately by her side.

Ally's POV
I just had to sit near the bitches of the entire tenth grade group."I bet she has fleas when she is in her wolf form." Stella said."Hahaha, yeah and that she licks herself clean every night." Olivia said. Liv for short."Hey, if you want to trash talk my best friend you can do it some place else!" I growled."Oh, yeah. I don't get why you are friends with her if she is literally the walking dead." Stella said."You have no right. That's discrimination." Gladice said."Ugh, whatever. At least we won't end her lives while staying friends with her." Liv said and they started to laugh."Those little bitches!" I mumbled.

"Attention everyone!" The assembly room went quiet and the principal was now standing on the stage with a shocked face and a face of disbelief."Mr. Etcher, please come and help me with the news." Mr. Driesher said and Jo Black came up with his brother. He took the mic and stood in the middle of the stage with a serious face."Uh, okay. Everyone. You all saw the happenings of yesterday and Jo and I were almost killed if it weren't for Lani Prins. The girl that went missing for the past year. She has powers now and all and because of that she got hurt real badly." He started and a picture of Lani's missing poster appeared on the screen above him."We have some bad news. She's in a coma." He said and the bitches in front of me giggled."CAN YOU JUST STOP!!" I shouted."Ally." Zebi said in a warning tone."What's the matter?" Mr. Driesher asked."THEY GIGGLED WHEN THEY SHOWED THE PICTURE OF LANI IN A COMA!" I shouted."You two in my office after the assembly!" Mr. Driesher said in a angry tone.

Liv was the only one in a 'touched'."Ja, bel maar my ma." Stella said.(Yeah, call my mother then.)"Your no human." Zebi said."Then what am I? I'm definitely not that freak. She was a freak before she became that freak. I can't believe Daniella likes them." Stella said."If you were an human, you would have sympathy for her!" Gladice said and she shuts up for awhile."I wouldn't talk to my mother like that." She said."Lani doesn't even have her mother or her father anymore! You can be lucky that they didn't take you instead." Zebi said and she shuts up.

More pictures showed Lani's state. The Y mark on her chest...she was wearing a sports bra. Her back was covered in slash marks in didn't even know she had. Her arms and legs looked like a slave that whipped repeatedly."Oh, my word!" A random kid shouted out. I don't blame him. I started to tear up."Don't worry, Dan just texted me and said most of the wounds are healed." Dash said from behind me and I smiled at him."Thank you." I said."Your welcome." He replied and we started with the day's annoyances such as school work and homework.

I heard that Stella and Liv is expelled for two weeks. The school's final bell just rang and I ran to my locker. I got my stuff out and went to where my mom was waiting."Hey, sweetie. Are you okay?" She asked."Yeah, can I go see Lani?" I asked and she nodded. I placed my bag in the trunk and I climbed into the car. My mom started the engine and we were off to the hospital. I just saw Danny and Sam leaving with their family. My mom drove past them and parked the car. I got out with my sister and mom and we walked into the building."Lani Prins." I said once I reached the receptionist."Thrid floor, room 2b4." She said and we went to the elevator. I already knew the room number. I just wanted to let my mom know and the receptionist know why I'm here.

I walked into the room and saw Dan."Hey, Dan." I said."Hey Ally. How was school?" He asked as he held Lani's hand tightly."Well, Stella and Liv was trash talking Lani but I handled it." I said and his eyes glowed green."Why is everyone so hateful against her? She looks really nice." My sister said."Yeah, she is really nice." I said."Lani, if you can hear me. Dan and I are here with you. Please don't die." I said."I need you. If you die, I might turn evil again...and I don't want that. I'll try to kill my family again. Please. You keep me sane." Dan said."What?" My mom said."I'm actually from a different timeline. Long story short. Something happened and I was forced to be evil until Danny saved me one day...the same day I met Lani." Dan said my mom was shocked. I let go of her hand and stood next to Dan.

"Ah, good afternoon everyone." Dr. Gilbert said as he walked into the room."Doc, will she be okay?" Dan asked."She's healing, but her heart rate is till way to slow." He said."That's normal for a Halfa. You can see for yourself with my heart beat as well." Dan said and the doctor raised an eyebrow. Dan lifted up his shirt and he tested it."Interesting." He said."Well, young man, then she will definitely wake up."

"Are you serious?!" Dan asked, a spark of hope in his eyes."Yes, if your the same, uh, spices and you survived she would probably survive as well." He said and I felt a little bit more relieved.

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