Farewell Hogwarts

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Kakashi was on the border of the Forbidden Forrest, looking at the names he carved into the wood, cursing his name at his foolishness and selfish behavior. Obito would surly no doubt be disappointed with him, he could hear his last words echo in his mind.

Those who do not obey the rules and regulations are trash, however; those who abandon their comrades are worse than trash!

Potter was right, he hadn't changed. He hoped that he had after Obito's death, but apparently all of his efforts were in vain. Rin's death alone proved that fact, but now he had once again singlehandedly hurt the feelings of people he considered to be friends. He deserved to live alone and in misery. It would be better and safer for everyone around him. That would now include everyone in the Leaf, sure Gai wouldn't appreciate his decision, but it had to be made. He wouldn't be able to bear loosing anyone else.

After apologizing to both Obito and Rin, he decided to go to Minato Sensei's office, hoping that the Jounin was also ready to leave. But before he could make it back to the Castle, he saw Hermione searching the grounds for him no doubt. He internally smiled, wanting to make amends with her before he left. He didn't care much for Harry and Ron, they had already made their opinion on his account pretty clear. But Hermione was different, he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he didn't say a proper goodbye to her. If he did, perhaps Obito would cut him some slack in the afterlife. He hesitantly made his way over to her, catching her attention. Hermione looked relieved at finding him as well, also wanting to say a proper goodbye.

"Kakashi! I'm so glad I found you!" She said positively beaming, making him regret his past actions.

"Hermione, I'm so, so sorry." He started before she cut him off.

"Oh Kakashi, I know you didn't mean any of it. Your not the only one who's good at reading the terrain." Hermione said.

"How did you gather that?" He asked bemused.

"Your the one always telling me to 'look beneath the underneath'" She said, imitating his voice exactly. Kakashi laughed at her imitation of him, surprised by the close resemblance.

"I really am sorry though." He said, disappointed in himself.

"I know." She said sweetly, "Just tell me what caused you to react so badly." Hermione asked kindly.

"Its just something that Dumbledore Sensei said." He said, remembering the encounter.

"Your not in trouble are you?" She asked, now worried.

"No, no. Nothing like that." He reassured, "Its just... He invited me to stay another year to learn western style magic. Apparently I have the capability to become a wizard." He said, watching Hermione's eyes widden with surprise.

"But how can that be!? Wizards can't learn jutsu, so how can you be able to learn magic?" She asked excitedly.

"Something about 'blood status', or something like that. I don't really get it either." He admited shamefully.

"But, why won't you stay? I'm sure your Hokage would understand. You could make the point that it would be benifitial for you to learn magic so that you can be a more powerful Shinobi. And who knows, maybe there are other wizards in your Country that you could teach." She reasoned intellectually. "Or don't you want to stay?" She added sadly.

"I do want to stay, but I feel torn. With a war going on isn't it selfish of me to keep away here? Besides, I don't know if you know this or not, but Minato is to be the next Hokage. So I need to be there to support him during his transition. I'm tasked as the ANBU directly under the Hokage, so my position won't change. If anything else, I'll have more responsibility under Minato Sensei." Kakashi answered.

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