I Don't Want You To Go

Start from the beginning

The bell rung to end class and Vicky told her to be at her house for 5:30. Rebekah agreed before hurrying out the classroom before Mr Kemp witnessed her empty piece of paper.

As Rebekah went down the corridor, she stretched out her weakened, frail hand and reached into her purse to grab her cell phone. She stopped walking and lay against a nearby locker to call her dad.

Whilst it began to ring, Rebekah gasped slightly when she looked straight ahead, and noticed Kade on the other side of the corridor, his dark eyes piercing into hers, and his nostrils flaring as he gave her a ravishing look.



Gooseflesh immediately formed on her arms underneath her shirt, and she couldn't stop staring down at him, no matter how hard she wanted to turn away. Her breathing hitched, and she felt her arm rattle against her jaw as she pressed the phone against her right ear.

" Hello?" Her father answered, but she couldn't find the words to respond to him as her throat felt suddenly too clogged to be capable of forming a sentence. A croak left her throat, and the tears began to form in her eyes as she replayed last night over and over, and Kade moved downwards, getting nearer and nearer.

She swallowed harshly before clearing her throat, and trying to force out something. Anything. " D-dad,"

"Rebekah, what is it? I'm working." Richard huffed.

Rebekah turned away so she wasn't facing Kade's devilish glare anymore; her eyes were fixed against the locker. She closed them and breathed before trying to get her act together.

" I just wanted to ask if I could stay at Victoria's tonight." She asked quietly, her voice still slightly wiggling as she spoke.

" Yes, if it's at Victoria's, then of course." Richard said. " But i have work until late tonight, darling."

" So I'm not gonna see you?" Rebekah rolled her eyes. She didn't know why she asked, she knew the answer.

There was a pause in the line for a moment, and Rebekah was tempted to turn around and see if Kade was still eyeing her. But her feet wouldn't shift from the ground, and she felt a knot forming in the pit of her stomach at the thought of him being so close. She felt she could feel his breath on her ear, but she knew her mind was playing games.

" Speak properly before questioning me, Rebekah." Richard said harshly. " But no, you will not."

Obviously her father was going to complain about the word gonna. He was always picky like that, but that was the least of Rebekah's worries.

She just let out a sigh. Rebekah didn't know why she was bothered, she never seen him anyway. It made no difference. It was just the fact her life was falling apart and he couldn't even notice. Tonight was Rebekah's chance. To attempt to forget about what had happened, and have a good time. She knew it pointless, but it was worth a shot.

" Look, Rebekah, I have to go," he interrupted her thoughts. " We will talk later. Keep your cell on."

" Okay,"

And with that, Richard hung up in a hurry, and Rebekah just rolled slightly so her temple touched the locker, placing her phone back in her pocket, and let out another huff.

" You're not going to that party tonight,Becks." Kade's voice boomed from beside her, and she lent of the locker so she could view him. She knew he'd be right beside her. Watching her.

Rebekah turned on her heels so she was facing him, and she was met by his evil glare almost instantly, the infuriation bulging through his sockets. She gulped before moving her eyes from his; she couldn't stand to watch his pupil dilate in the most grim way.

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