One chapter thing

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Hey cinnamon rolls I hope you read the description because if you didn't do not hate it's your fault you didn't read it. For those who did read it I hope you enjoy reading my shitty book 🤗🙃

Alex POV
Great just great tomorrow is my 16th birthday and I have to get that stupid tattoo to know my soulmate great but here's a fact I don't want to know I have a crush on this boy in my art class and he's so cute we have worked together a few times he's just adorable he draws little turtles on the corners of the paper and giggles to himself he has green eyes mixed with cyan he has little freckles all over his beautiful face and he's so nice to everyone I love him but I can't just tell him that he'll think I'm weird for liking a guy and tell everyone also I'm so embarrassed to even talk to him without messing up words and turning into a tomato he's probably already got a soulmate tattoo or a crush on a popular pretty girl why would someone like him even like a nerdy lowlife like myself anyway I really don't want to know who my soulmate is all I know is that I'm making my tattoo a turtle to honour him I love him so much I never want to forget how much

John's POV

4 more days and I get my soulmate tattoo I can't wait but what if it's a girl I won't be able to love her because I'm gay and all I hope it a guy and I hope they love turtles as much as I do *bell rings* oh I guess it's art next as I walk down the hall I see laff and hur making out in the hall as I walk by i said get a room love birds and laff looked up and laughed but amonime there weren't any spare I laughed and so did hur you know it class right now oh well we will see you at launch amonime he shouted as I turned the corner shouting back yeah see you then when I got to my room I saw Alex alone on a table so I went over a sat next to him he didn't notice and I look over his shoulder to see Johnxalex in a little heart I leaned back and coughed which got him out of his little bubble oh erm John it's y-you he hid the heart and rubbed it out. So Alex what you doing he's face turned red and he stuttered on everything. So cute I thought to myself as he tryed explaining to me he was just colouring the corner of the page but just rubbed it out I laughed and he was red And the class began

No ones POV

As the lesson began John drawing a bunch of turtles on the sheets of work Alex was completing Alex look over at John John just concentrating drawing turtles Alex smiled and carried on working as the lesson was coming to an end John was asleep on Alex's arm and Alex was blushing like crazy *bell rings* ok class the lesson is over pack up and head to lunch. When the bell rang John didn't wake up so Alex was trying to wake him up

Alex's POV

Hey John wake up Johnnnn omg there's free turtles Really I expected that to work hey John as I went to lean down John lifted his head making lip to lip contact Alex now red and John half asleep Alex falls back in his chair hitting his head on the table making a thud sound Alex you good? I hear him ask I don't know I think I am well are you hurt? Yes. Then how are you good? Well you k-k-kissed. Actually nevermind I have to go bye I ran out the room blushing like crazy

John POV

Hey Amonime what up I hear laff say Well I just accidentally kissed that guy I told about. The one you have a crush on? Yep that one well monime what did he do? He fell off his chair I asked him if he's alright he said I don't know I asked if he was hurt he said yes I then asked him how is that a I don't know he said because you kissed and then stoped and said nevermind and ran away with the most redest face I have ever seen in my life hur butt in hey looks like someone has a two way crush he definitely likes you probably more than you like him  laff butt in no monime I bet he can't get him John I bet by the end of the month if you aren't out you have to by me as many drinks as I want and if you do I'll by you as many drinks as you want ok.  Deal     Right we should head to lunch 

Your my soulmate (lams)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ