chapter twenty two

Start from the beginning

“I wish you were here, you always knew what to say to make me feel better” I smiled with the tears rolling down. “The bullies didn't stop, they picked on me more when you left... Mom had to change my school when she noticed the bruises, I really wished you were still here to scare them off”

“I finally got into high school, I had a crush on this awesome guy, but he never noticed me, you know how you were always talking about having a cute girl next door that you could look out the window and admire for hours — well that's the guy, I got to live your dream but it wasn't as great because he never noticed me, for years I thought it was a one sided affection and was dying inside”

I took a brief pause before all the emotions could overwhelm me.

“And in the process of all this drama I met someone, someone I never expected to fall for, he was the bad guy, the best friend of the one I liked... I tried so hard to shove it off, tried to deny it but I couldn't, I got lost in his green eyes, I got melted by each touch and when I finally thought I was about to have my fairytale a series of tragedy took place."

“Why Toby? Why don't we always get what we want? Why must bad things always happen? Why must circumstances ruin us? Why does the first guy I've ever loved this much have to join you in heaven?” now I couldn't hold back any single tear, they all rushed out in full force, they were out of my control.

“Why Toby? I wish you could answer me but I know even if you wanted to you can't!”

“I'm sorry for everything! I'm sorry for ruining you! But please do me this one favor, don't let Brandon die. I'll do anything, I'll be devoted in church, I'll help the poor. I'll do anything lord but don't let Brandon die!”

In the process of talking to Toby I had diverted my words to God, I needed him, I wanted to him, I know it's wrong, wrong to only turn to him in time of need. But am desperate, I don't think I can do it, be strong for both Brandon and I. I don't think I can bear another lose. Please, Lord...


The day had run so fast, what seemed to be 12 noon was now 6pm, I had spent 6 hours in the cemetery, I had practically even slept off in all my tears until the care taker arrived. He seemed worried, it wasn't usual to see someone sleeping in a cemetery, people practically trembled at the sight of it.

Rushing back home I met another surprise... It was over at Casper's, I had forgotten that you could take a horse to a stream but you can't force it to drink water and the fact saddened me. Seeing Casper slowly lose himself, frightened me.

Staring through my window into his room I could see the havoc he had done, it was in ruins... Everything was broken and out of place, his reading table had barricaded the doors, he didn't want anyone in. I could hear the panicking voice of his mom as she banged on his room door but nothing, he didn't move, he didn't attempt to get to her, he just sat on his bed silently and that's what frightened me the most cause his tormented eyes were fixed on me, all on me it was as if he wanted to rip me apart, like I was a prey for his predation.

All through the night I couldn't sleep, his eyes never left my room. It was like they were throwing spears into my heart and even when I did close my eyes terrible nightmares of him took over my mind. I was losing it, losing my sanity in fear of what Casper may do, how could such a sweet kid lose his mind like this, it was like he had always been on edge and now I made it worst, I practically killed a girl who loved him and then pushed him away, my actions were inhumane, I couldn't even have the decency to tell him first before I cuddled in bed with his best friend, I felt like a slut.

The silence and darkness of the room was killing me, I hearing voices from every corner, and then suddenly it felt like the door had opened but it had to be my mind playing tricks on me... The fear was engulfing me and soon I had to stretch to on my lamp and then that's when I felt it, the firm grip that pulled me back from my actions.

He was on top of me, the moonlight at least allowed me to see his face — Casper was on top of me, holding my two hands firmly to the bed.

“Casper get off me!” I screamed, I was too frightened to wonder how he got in.

“Was that what you told Brandon before he made you his?” his voice was filled with nothing but spite, “Tell me!” he screamed.

“Did he kiss you like this?” He forcefully kissed my lips and I struggled to free myself.

“Did he touch you like this?!”he caressed my left breast aggressively. “Tell me Paige, what did he do to steal you away so easily!”
“Tell me!” staring at the savage beast on top of me I knew I had lost Casper, lost him forever, this wasn't the boy I had fallen in love with he was a totally different person... He was ruthless, he was merciless and as he ruined me that night I knew I would never be the same again, as he unbuckled his jeans and got into me I knew I was broken beyond fixing.

I had stepped on the tail of a beast, I had underestimated the madness of a human being.

I had been too naive to think everyone was sympathetic, that there was good in all but as I watched Casper tie my mouth with a cloth unable to scream I knew I was wrong, there was evil in the world, evil in the air we breathe, in the step we took and even the slightest thing could transform us completely.

All I could do was cry as the boy I had loved since the beginning of high school brutally ruined me, as he brutally raped me. He was just too strong, countless times I wished mom would step in, but she never did, he got all the opportunity in the world to do what ever he wanted with me.

“You don't just mess with people!” he smiled evilly, there was no pinch of remorse in his eyes, “You ruined me Paige Deloris knight and now I've ruined you, you can never know the true identity of the person you love until you see his darkness! This is my darkness Paige, one you alone stirred up”

“Now you'll never forget me” he whispered into my ears, “The memory of this night will taunt you forever and ever” he laughed, and then he was gone. I was in pain! In immense pain, I was too broken to scream, I just laid there on a bed filled with blood there was nothing else to do or say, the deed had been done.

I had lost Casper forever and I had also lost myself in the silence.

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