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Y O U                                 Sunday 5/10/18

I wake up really early in the morning, since yesterday I completely forgot to pack my stuff for the trip. I'm staying at where Ryan lives for a good 5 days, since I do, myself, have a YouTube channel to manage.

And you're probably thinking, (Y/N), what don't you just record videos there? Well that is because it would be too hard to bring my whole set-up there. Plus, I don't think I could get all of that stuff on the plane without getting in trouble.

I pack enough stuff for 8 days, just in case there are any accidents, and I need another change of clothes. I made sure to also pack my black converse, and my purple converse. I packed a couple pairs of black and grey skinny jeans, and a couple dim colored shirts, and a couple colored shirts. As well as a couple light blue jean shorts.

Like I said, enough for 8 days.

I also packed my tooth brush, and my other accessories that I have to use on a daily basis. And to finish it all off, I, myself, got dressed in a black shirt, and denim shorts with my blue-grey converse, and my 8-Bit hoodie.

And don't worry, I didn't forget my charger, I have other stuff in my draw string bag on my back, like my charger, and extra hairbrush, and some other things. My phone is in my pocket, completely charged and ready for the trip. But I have a back up charger, or a portable charger, just in case my phone goes dead.

After all the stuff was done, I made my way down stairs to get myself a good breakfast, or an apple and a bottle of chocolate milk. What? I like me some chocolate milk.

And then I made my way out the door to my car. Yes, I do have a car, which is just for these occasions. Usually I would just walk to places, gotta keep that good figure up. As well as I'm super healthy.

No, I'm not that super skinny girl who doesn't eat anything. I'm actually a bit chubby, and I have a rounded face with some black rimmed glasses. So to me, I'm okay, I'm not really that cute. My hair is a light blonde color, and my eyes are a dark blue. Again, I'm okay. I'm not the prettiest.

I hop in my car, and I start driving to the airport.

I make it to the airport, and I grab my suitcase from my trunk, and my little draw string bag, and I call my friend asking her if she can come pick up my car, and that the keys are under the seat in the compartment. Of course it's not locked, why would I do that?

Okay, I do lock my car, but I had to leave it unlocked for my friend to get inside, okay? Don't judge me.

I make my way inside, rolling my suitcase to the attendant stand, and I hand her my ticket. She let's me in, and I go through the stand, and they look through my bags, and I empty out my pockets.

After I get the okay to go through, I grab my suitcase and bag, and all the stuff that was in my pockets, I start making my way to the entrance of the plane. Oh boy, I've never been on a plane, so this is a bit never racking for me.

"You just made it. Hurry, get on." The male attendant ushers me on quickly, and I go and take a seat next to a girl. She's about my age, with short brown hair and a well difined face. I turn, and I face the back of the seat in front of me, and I take a deep breath, placing a hand over my heart.

"First time on a plane?" I look over at the girl next to me. I nod my head. "Yeah, it's a little nerve racking." She chuckles lightly. "I was scared my first time, but don't worry, there's nothing to be afraid of." The girls reasurring words calm me down a bit, and I lower my hand to the arm rest of my seat. "My name's Jazzabell, what's yours?"

"Oh, I'm (Y/N)." She nods her head. "Nice, I like that name." I smile at her, and she smiles back.

For the rest of the plane ride we made small talk, talking about anything and everything. At one point we even got to YouTube, and she asked me if I had a channel. Which of course I told her about.

And she told me when she arrives to her destination, she'll subscribe to me.

I was happy of course, but at the same time I was sad. I would never see this girl again after this trip, so I asked her for her number, and she happily gave it to me, stating that she wanted to stay in contact with her new friend. Which made me happy.

The plane slowly came to a stop at (Where Ryan Lives). And I grabbed all of stuff, making my way off the plane with Jazzabell. "Well, I guess I'll talk to you later then Jazzabell. It was really good meeting you." She smiles and nods her head at me. "I can say the same to you (Y/N), well, I'll see you later!" She waves at me smiling, and I wave back, beaming. I made a new friend in one day, and we had a bit in common. Man, this makes me really happy.

I make my way out of the airport, and I call an Uber, and I drive to the hotel where I was staying at.

We arrived there, and I payed the driver the amount of money needed, and I made my way to the receptionist desk. "Hello, welcome to Monor Hotel, what is your name?" I told her my name, and she gave me a key for room 232, and told me it was on the third floor, hall to the left.  I nod my head, and I make my way over to the elevator.

After my small little trip on the elevator, I made my way to my room, inserting the key, and I walk inside. I don't really need to unpack anything since I'll only be stay for 5 days, if possible, a little longer.

So I decide my next plan of action is to text Ryan and ask him where he lives. He replies instantly, which makes me happy.

He tells me his address, and says he's not doing anything right now, and says I can come over now.

I feel my heart leap out of my chest. I'm about to meet Ryan. Oh this really is a dream come true. I make my way out of the hotel, calling in another Uber, and I tell him the address, and we start driving there.

We get there in about 20 minutes, and I pay the Uber his money, and I get out, walking up to the door. I breathe in and out shakily. 'Well, here goes nothing.' I ring the doorbell, and I hear shuffling inside before the door opens.

"Yes?" I grin, and I relax slightly looking at Ryan's face. "Hey Ryan, I'm (Y/N). I'm the one that's here to see you." He grins and ushers me inside. "Come on in (Y/N). Let's talk."

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