After a few seconds, they finally answered.

 "Hey Colby, what's up? How's San Diego?" Devyn answered, smiling at him through the phone camera. It looked like she just took a shower.

"Hey Colbs! Can't have missed me that much already, what do you need?" Amanda answered next, laying on her bed with Circa curled up next to her. Elton only trusted Amanda with Circa. Aaron was always too lazy to take the other dogs out unless it was Buddy and Devyn had Navi to take care of.

Colby sighed in relief, "Oh thank god, guys! Sam went into heat and Corey and Elton are going nuts! I need you guys to talk to them. Hearing your voices will calm them down. Please! If I don't help Sam soon, he could get really sick I don't know how much time he has before his heat fever breaks." Colby shouted over Elton and Corey's rapid growling and snarling, which Amanda and Devyn's eyes widened over in shock at the sound of their boyfriend's growls.

"Oh shit! Show them the screen, now!" Amanda ordered and Colby did as he was told, shoving the phone in the older boy's faces.

They immediately backed off. Colby waited, not quite trusting them yet.

"Corey, it's Devyn! Snap out of it! You don't want to hurt Sam or me, do you? If you hurt Sam you're hurting me too. I'll be very sad if Sam gets hurt." Devyn said calmly, looking right into Corey's red eyes through the screen. 

That immediately snapped Corey out of his trance and his eyes turned back to their normal, hazel brown color. "W-what? What's going on? Dev? You okay?!" Corey demanded, confused as to how he ended upstairs and why his girlfriend was on Skype with them.

Devyn smiled warmly, "I'm fine, baby. But Sam's not! He went into heat and you guys almost attacked him. Help Colby calm Elton down, okay? Amanda's voice isn't working and Sam's running out of time!"

Corey blanked and swore, eyes flicking toward the small blonde boy curled up unconscious, face red and sweaty under a terrified and protective, snarling, Colby. 

Shit. That wasn't good. Corey quickly wrapped his arms around the Elton to restrain him from moving any closer to Sam as Amanda tried to console him over the phone. 

Elton wasn't much stronger than Corey was so it was easy to restrain the alpha - which seemed to be helping because the older man was slowly calming down. He began returning back to his normal self as the energy drained from his body.

"Easy there, Elty. Sam needs help, you don't want to hurt Sam right? Sam is your friend, you want to help him, not hurt him. SNAP OUT OF IT!" Amanda shouted loudly and sternly, and Elton's eyes finally turned back to their original brown color. 

"Oh, thank fuck." Colby exclaimed, collapsing on top of Sam, arms wrapped protectively around the blonde boy's head, that was tucked under his chin. Sam was beginning to pant now and Colby's worry grew for him the longer Corey and Elton stayed in the room.

"God, Sam's an omega?!" Is the first thing Elton shouts as he comes back to his senses. 

Corey stood awkwardly next to him, eyeing the limp blonde on the bed cautiously. Sam going into heat was definitely something he was not expecting to happen today of all days. It was sort of fitting though...Sam always seemed to be more submissive like a beta or omega to him than  an alpha.

It made sense. Just a little surprising and the timing was unexpected. Most people presented when they were 18...Sam must've been a late bloomer.

"Yes! Now, I need everybody out! I need to help Sam before his heat seriously damages him!" Colby exclaimed loudly, snarling a bit. He was starting to get pissed off. And that wasn't good. He stood up quickly and pushed his shocked roommates out of the room, slamming the door behind them and locking it.

"I'm sorry! But I don't want Sam to get hurt as his heat gets worse, okay? I need you guys to cooperate and send food and water up every few hours for us. I'm not sure how long his heat is going to last and we're stranded until it's over." Colby shouted through the door, hoping his friends weren't too mad at them.

It was silent for a second until Elton responded, "We got you guys, Colbs. Don't worry. We'll have to do the video another time; Sam is our number one priority right now. Corey and I will guard the house to make sure no alpha's try to break in -  Sam's scent is pretty strong right now."

Colby almost sobbed in relief. Okay. He's got this. He can totally take care of a new omega in heat for the next four days. Definitely. 

"Thank you. Thank you so much."

Colby turned to look at Sam. Hopefully the other wouldn't hate him too much after what he was about to do.

Edited: 1/24/19

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