Chapter 5

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Someone was knocking furiously on her door. When Adeleina groaned loudly in response, but made no attempt to get off her bed, it flung open. Darcy bounced in, her eyes bright and hair waving.

"Rise and shine, Addie-sweetie! Today's your big day," she hollered at Adeleina's grumbling form.

Adeleina stuffed her head under her pillow in an attempt to ignore Darcy's shrieks. As if she needed reminding. Today was her betrothal day, and Adeleina would have given an arm and leg to be allowed to stay in bed until in was over.

Darcy ran over and tugged away Adeleina's blankets, leaving her cold and shivering. Without looking, Adeleina grabbed another pillow and threw it in the direction her blankets had gone. It landed with a forlorn thud. Couldn't Darcy leave her alone for just five more minutes? Adeleina scowled into her bedsheets.

"Well," Darcy piped, throwing open the curtains and letting the sunlight into the room. "If I can't get you up now, I'll simply have to fetch a bucket of cold water and throw it over your head!"

Adeleina gave another loud gripe of protest before lifting the pillow off her head, eyes watering at the sudden brightness.

Darcy clapped her hands loudly, jarring Adeleina's half-asleep mind.

"Stop clapping," she flopped face-first back onto the bed, too tired and reluctant to face the day to properly wake up. Darcy smacked her with the fallen pillow.

"Your father let me take the day off today to get you ready, seeing as you refused to have a lady-in-waiting," Adeleina made an incoherent sound. Darcy continued. "Some maids are bringing up a tub of water, and they'll arrive any minute now. If you're not up by then, I'll have them dunk your head in the water to wake you!" Darcy patted the top of Adeleina's head before flouncing out the door again. Adeleina huffed and closed her eyes again.

Mere minutes later, there came another insistent knock on the door. Adeleina heaved a heavy sigh before calling out.

"I'm awake, Darcy! Don't get my hair wet,"

"You're hair is going to have to get wet anyway. It's time for your bath!" Darcy shouted through the door. It sprang open again, and two maids lugging a large wooden tub of steaming water trundled in. They set it down with a small splash before hurrying out the door and closing it behind them. Adeleina glared vehemently at the bathtub, before pushing the blankets away and stepping out of bed.


Skin tingling and pink after a rather hurried and rough scrub, Adeleina stood, grimacing and with her arms stretched out, while a corset was tugged around her middle. A deft-fingered maid pulled at the strings until they could tighten no more, and with a satisfied snap, tied them together.

Darcy stood at a distance, watching Adeleina grumble about how tight the corset was. She laughed lightheartedly and snatched up Adeleina's gown.

"Oh, cheer up, Adeleina! Aren't you excited?"

"No," Adeleina snorted in a very unladylike way. "All princes are idiots. How am I supposed to marry one?"

"All princes, hmm?"

Adeleina blushed bright red and threw a murderous glare at Darcy, indicating with her eyebrows at the confused maid.

"Oh. I see. Err...Mandy, is it? You can go. Shoo!" Darcy waved at the door impudently. The maid left.

Adeleina took her dress froom Darcy's hands and stepped into it.

"So," Darcy sprawled onto Adeleina's bed. "As I was saying, all princes?"

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