Chapter 4

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At dusk on the morrow, Adeleina slipped through the doors of the Winging Dove's Inn. It was the only respectable inn in the entire village, as the rest housed splendid taverns that drew a lewd and unruly crowd. Adeleina glowed with pleasure that Alecsander was not that type of man.

The Winging Dove had not two, but three stories. The second and the third layers were the bedchambers. The first floor was the dining area, with long square tables for large groups of travelers and the small round ones for those travelling alone or in pairs. It was at one of the solitary round tables that Adeleina found Alecsander sitting at.

He was facing the inn's stage, upon which a band of musicians sat as they sang their hearts out and plucked at their lyres. He looked rather unamused with his cheek propped up on one of his hands and a bored expression on his face. A mug of half-empty mead stood by his elbow, forgotten.

Adeleina smiled, feeling her heart lift at the very sight of him. She pushed through the jostling crowd, trying not to step on anyone's dancing toes, until she had made her way to the seat opposite his. He hadn't noticed her approach yet, his eyes still fixed on the twanging musicians.

She pulled a chair out and sat down opposite him. 

"Hello," She flicked his elbow lightly to get his attention over the babbling crowd. His head turned towards her. 

The moment his eyes found her beaming face, his own face lit up with relief and happiness.

"You came! Thank the gods you did, or I'd have been sitting here alone all night," He said in such a familiar and friendly tone that Adeleina felt the pink rush to her face again, coloring her cheeks and ears. She silently thanked the innkeeper for keeping the candles burning so low.

"I was only too glad to come," She suddenly purred, made bold by the darkness that hid her face. "You certainly look like you need company" 

Gods, Adeleina cursed internally. She sounded like a harlot at a brothel begging for service. Yet, behind her embarrassment, there was also a giddy feeling of delight at her own audacity. 

Alecsander laughed.

"You're right, Adeleina. I could use the company," Adeleina watched in silence as he stood, his chair scraping the floor, and tossed a few coins on the table. "Will you accompany me outside? It's stifling in here," 

Adeleina's eyebrows shot up. The temperature might have been a tad warm in the crowded room, but it wasn't stifling. A sly smile crept over her face as she realized this was his way of inviting her to be with him, alone, without the din of the shouting crowd. 

"It is," Adeleina nodded fervently, agreeing with him. 

"By your leave, madam," Alecsander made a flamboyant gesture of his arm towards the door. Adeleina laughed at his semi-serious manner, and led the way through the inn door and out into the crisp night air. By now, darkness had fallen, and the only thing left illuminating the earth was the pearly-white moon and the blinking stars. It was enough to see by, but not light enough to make out the burning blush Adeleina felt staining her cheeks. Her heart was thumping like mad in an exhilarating way, releasing rushes of adrenaline and excitement into her bloodstream. Adeleina coouldn't help but smile from ear to ear.

Alecsander slipped out of the door behind her and joined her on the dusty street. They were alone, save for the occasional slinking cat, who hissed and spat at them before darting away. 

"A fine night," Alecsander said, inhaling a breath of cold air. He stepped forward and slipped one of his arms around Adeleina's waist as they walked. 

Immediately, she stiffened at the intimate contact. She'd known him for barely two days, yet here he was with his arm pulling her closer to his side. Was this how the people in his land walked about? Perhaps their interactions were different from those in Corandell. For all she knew, the people in Corandell were downright prude in comparison with the other kingdoms.

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