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"Okay why do I keep letting you pick out my wig?" I asked as I put the blonde wig on.

"Because you will never learn." Stein said with a laugh.

"I think blonde suits you." Ray said with a smile.

"Thanks Haircut." I said with a frown.

We where going to 1870 to fix an anachronism in P.T. Barnum's circus. I was forced to wear a dress and heels. I walked beside Stein and looked around for the anachronism. I bumped into someone and bent down to help them pick there things up.

"I am so sorry!" I exclaimed as I started to help them.

"It's fine ma'am an honest mistake." He said softly.

"I am really sorry I wasn't watching where I was going." I said with a laugh.

"Names P.T Barnum and all could be forgiven with your name." He said tipping his hat.

"Lizzy." I said with a smile.

"Lizzy... a beautiful name for a beautiful woman." He said kissing my hand.

"Thank you."

"Lizzy we need to go." Stein said helping me stand up.

"Nice to meet you P.T." I said as I walked away with Stein.

"Pleasure is mine." He whispered as he watched me walk away.

We got a call from Ray and Nate saying that the anachronism was a saber tooth tiger. I stopped in my tracks as I heard them.

"A tiger? As in a real life tiger?" I asked as I stopped moving.

"Yea why?"

"You guys have fun I'm out." I said as I walked away.

I made it to the ship and stopped in the kitchen and splashed water on my face.

"Okay what is your deal with tigers?" Sara asked behind me.

"When I was ten a tiger got lose in a zoo.... I was there and.... let's say after watching it attack a man it went for me.... if... if Mick hadn't been there I would be dead." I said bitting my lip.

"Why is it always Mick? Why is it your never saved by Leonard?" She asked sitting beside me.

"I spent most of my childhood with Mick. Leonard would provide for us and Mick.... he took me and Lisa to places. Became like my second brother."  I said softly.

"I'm sorry." She said patting my shoulder.

She left the kitchen and I learned the tiger had got lose. Sara left to get help and I watched as she left and when she returned she brought Amaya.

"This is going to end badly." I whispered to Ray.

He looked at me confused until Nate left the room. I shook my head as I followed behind him. We walked into his room and I leaned against the wall as I looked at him.

"Spill." I said softly.

"She left without warning! She comes back and acts like she didn't!" He yelled as he paced back and forth.

"Did she give you a reason?"

"No! She just left. I went to get take out and she left." He said hitting the wall.

"Nate calm down. How about you and the boys go and get something to drink?" I said softly.

"Your right I should." He said as he walked away.

I let out a sigh as I set down and waited for Amaya and Sara to get back. I froze as I saw them bring the cat in and I backed away.

"You alright?" Sara asked with a smirk.

"Shut up." I said walking away.

I went to my room and after awhile I heard a roar. I ran out of my room and froze as I saw the tiger. It started to walk towards me.

"Lizzy don't run!" Sara yelled.

"I don't think I could if I wanted." I whispered as I tried to move my legs.

The cat made a move to pounce and I screamed as it jumped. I felt arms grab me and tackle me into my room. The door shut and I clung to the person as I started shaking.

"Your okay." A voice whispered.

I tried to breath, but I couldn't. I felt a hand rub my back and I closed my eyes. I finally was able to open my eyes to see Ray looking down at me. I let it a sigh as I let go of him and he helped me stand up.

"I hate Tigers." I said as I set on my bed.

"Luckily I got here in time." He said with a laugh.

We stood up and looked outside to see the tiger was put into a cell. I groaned as I left with Ray to find Stein and the others.

"I can't believe they got caught." He said annoyed.

"You can't. I can. Nate has been upset since Amaya broke up with him." I said shaking my head.

"Yea, but he should of been more careful." Ray said softly.

"Nate? Careful? We talking about the same guy?" I asked with a smile.


We walked away and I it didn't take long to see Amaya trying to kill P.T. Barnum. I stood in front of him and glared at Amaya.

"Amaya calm down." I said sternly.

She didn't say anything and I saw her touch her totem and heard her roar.

"Okay! That is messed up!" I yelled as she threw me to the ground.

I looked at my arm and hissed as I saw a scratch mark. I backed up and felt my wig fall off as I tried to get away from her.

"Amaya! Stop! It's Lizzy!" Nate yelled as he stood in from of me.

She finally calmed down and looked at me shocked as Nate caught her. Ray picked me up and carried me to the ship and into the medbay.

"Gideon talk to me." Ray said as I tried to keep my eyes open.

"It appears Miss Snart has suffered multiple cuts along her arm and torso. She is losing a lot of blood." Gideon said calmly.

"Well then stop it!" He yelled as I tried to force my eyes to stay open.

Ray looked down at me and gently touched my cheek.

"Hey stay with me! Don't fall asleep!" He yelled.

I closed my eyes and everything went black as I passed out.

Lady Winter (DC Legends Of Tomorrow) Where stories live. Discover now