"Mom! Dad!" Jon exclaimed as he ran into his parents arms. Han and Leia hugged him fiercely.

"There you are, Jon," said Han. "You had us all worried when we noticed you had gone off. It's great to have you back, but where have you been?"

"I went off to find Luke," said Jon. "And once I did, I was with him the whole time. I guess the reason it took us so long was because we were talking about things. Then Luke had something really important he had to do. Also, on our way back, I had to stop to pee!"

"What were the two of you talking about?" asked Han.

"Just about how L-Vader and the Emperor are dead," answered Jon. "Luke was there when it happened, so he told me the whole story. I'd tell it to you, Mom, Chewie, Lando and everyone else here, but it's kinda hard to explain." Jon was just beginning to understand the enormous weight he now carried as one of only three people in the entire Galaxy-along with Luke and Leia-who knew the truth about Darth Vader being Anakin Skywalker, Luke and Leia's father. Perhaps Han would find this out one day. But Jon knew better than to say anything right now, because he didn't want to ruin his father's good mood.

"I don't care about how Vader died," said Han. "That doesn't matter to me. The important thing is that he is dead. The Emperor, too. And that means neither of them can hurt you, me or anyone else ever  again."

"Yeah, I know, Dad," said Jon. Luke had just hugged Leia, and now he'd come over to hug Han.

"Are you all right?" Luke asked Han.

"I'm fine," said Han. "How about you?"

"Never better," answered Luke. He went off to reunite with Wedge. Chewie high-fived Lando, then went around hugging people. The Ewoks danced. Some of the pounded on the discarded helmets of Stormtroopers and Scout Troopers like makeshift drums. Han wrapped his arms arms around Leia, holding her close to him. She nuzzled against his chest, and he rested his chin atop her head. As Han held Leia, he thought back on their relationship. Four years earlier, they could barely stand each other. But then they became friends...and so much more. They were able to give Jon-his, no, their son-a family. Han came to realize that Leia was the love of his life. It wouldn't happen right now, but soon, Han intended to ask Leia two very important questions: Would she marry him? And, would she officially become Jon's mother?

While all the festivities were going on around him, Luke peered off into the forest. Unbeknownst to anyone else, the ghosts of Anakin Skywalker, Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi appeared to him. He was the only one who could see them. And they looked on with pride. Yoda had told Luke that he was the last Jedi, the Force was strong in his family and to pass on what he had learned. Luke knew there had to be other Force-Sensitives all over the Galaxy. People of all ages and from all walks of life, whohad just now begun to discover their powers. Luke was determined to find them, teach them all he knew and rebuild the Jedi Order anew.

"Hey, Luke, what are you doing?" asked Leia. She came up to her brother, and put her hands on his shoulders.

"Oh, nothing, Leia," said Luke, "I'm just doing some thinking." Leia was his twin sister. He had told her that she had the powers of the Force just like he did. And in time, she would come to use them as he had. He could think of no better way of passing on his knowledge then to start with her. After taking one last look at the ghosts of his father and mentors, Luke and Leia walked back to join their friends.

The Jon Solo Chronicles Book 3: Return of the JediWhere stories live. Discover now