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I woke up to someone yelling my name. Can they please leave me alone, the hangover is killing me. My friend Jungkook threw a party for me yesterday, which I'm thankful for, but I regret going to.

"Y/n! Get up. Time for you to get to school!" I heard someone yell.

I then got up sleepily, it was my grandfather's secretary Ms. Ito. She's around my age, but I still call her Ms. Ito. Her mom used to be a secretary and her mom practically raised me when my mom died so we grew up together.

"Isn't today suppose to be your day off or something?" I told her.

"Yes, but I decided to come in and check up on you." She says pulling the covers off of me.

"Aren't you sweet. You're probably being paid overtime for it." I said looking in the mirror.

"You damn straight." She says pushing me into the bathroom. "You have 10 minutes."

"Yeah, yeah. I know." I said before getting into the shower. "Soju is no joke. Shit really hurts."

After taking the shower I took a brush and put my hair into high puff on top of my head. I then walked out and Ms. Ito already had my clothes draped over her arms for me.

"Ms. Ito?" I said.

"Yes, Ms. Hicks?" She replied.

"It's y/n. Can you let my grandfather know I will be visiting him today." I said, she looked at me surprised.

"Oh, so you're going to finally visit granddaddy Hicks?" She says smirking.

"Yeah, with a guest." I said snatching the clothes away from her. Ever since my grandfather made me move to Seoul I haven't been talking to him.

"A guest, huh?" She says raising her eyebrows

"A very special guest." I said smirking.


"You remember the case about our companies Vice President's daughter getting into a accident which killed some Korean woman a few years back." I said putting on my clothes and then putting the ring on Jungkook got me for my birthday.

"Yeah, it was the woman who caused it right?" She says sounding uninterested.

"What if I told you I got proof that it was the daughter who actually killed the woman and prove that the Vice President was the one stealing money from our company?" I said smiling seeing her face perk up.

"And how are you going to do that?" She said quietly.

"With the help of her son of course." I said.

"The woman's son?"

"Yep, Kim Taehyung. It's kind of messed up knowing that he lost his mom because of that Jisoo being reckless." I said grinding my teeth.

"You know the Vice President's daughter?"

"Yeah I know here. She almost confessed to her father bribery." I tell Ms. Ito.

"You suspect them of bribing them too?" She says. "What does this Kim Taehyung look like?"

"Why you want to know?" I asked suspiciously.

"No reason. I just want to know." She says.

I then scrolled through my phone looking for a picture I snuck of him and showed it to her.

I then scrolled through my phone looking for a picture I snuck of him and showed it to her

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"Oh. I see why you want to help him." Ms. Ito says grinning.

"No, thats not the reason why. I honestly want to help him as a friend."I said.

"Yeah, I know. But you need to stop being too helpful. You can't and shouldn't help everybody." She says.

"Taehyung's an angel."

"Wasn't Satan once an angel?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Just make sure to tell my grandfather I'm visiting him, with a guest. And pick me and him up afterschool because I'm not taking my car." I said sternly.

"What you're suppose to say when you ask for something?"

"Please." I said.

"Okay, Ms. Hicks. You're breakfast is ready for you in the kitchen." She points in the direction of the kitchen.

"Thanks. You're coming to eat with me?" I asked.

"Yeah." She then followed behind me.

We both then sat at the kitchen island and ate.

"Ms. Ito why don't you live with me. You're here almost everyday, even when you're off." I asked chewing on some celery.

"Because I might need somewhere to go when I get tired of seeing you." She says teasingly.

"Yeah, like you'll ever get tired of seeing my black ass." I said giving her a back hug.

She then tried to push me off.

I checked the clock and it was about time for me to go.

"Oh, guess I better leave. See you later." I said getting up and grabbing my book bag.

"You're walking again?"

"Yeah, it's not far." I said putting on my shoes by the door.

"I don't know why you want people to think you're poor?" Ms. Ito says.

"I don't want people to think I'm poor, but I don't want them to know I'm the heiress to a multi-billion dollar company neither." I said before leaving and walking down the road.

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