Chapter 24 ~ Indiana + Build-Up

Start from the beginning

I shook my head again. "I've not seen or spoken to Joe in like two or three months. It feels like it's been forever." I shrugged.

Jon rolled his eyes. "You need to speak to each other sooner or later."

"Yeah well I choose later."

Jon laughed. "Just tell me if you find Colby."

"He might be with Ashton." I shrugged. He nodded and smiled. I smiled and closed the door.


I taped my wrists just as someone knocked on the door. "Enter." I sang.

Jonah stuck his head around the door. "Your match is next. We need you to go and shoot a promo with AJ and Tamina first so if you could come with me now, that'd be great." He said.

"Okay Jonah." I sang again. I stood up and placed the tape on the side.

"Someone seems to be in a happy mood." He laughed as I followed him out of the locker room.

"Great, just great." I chirped.

We walked around the corner and the cameras and lights were set up ready. AJ and Tamina stood facing each other. Wayne, the cameraman pointed for me to stand at the side and wait for my cue to enter. Guess I've just got to improvise then.


AJ: Well, it's official. I'm the longest reigning Divas Champion.

Tamina nodded as she listened to AJ.

AJ: Just shows, there's not one diva that can take this away from me.

AJ points to her title and smiles.

AJ: At Wrestlemania, it will be no different. I mean, c'mon. Paige, a rookie? Does she really think she can beat me? I'm the best WWE diva of all time.

Jordyn claps and laughs sarcastically as she enters the camera shot. AJ rolls her eyes and turns to face her. Tamina looks at her and folds her arms. Jordyn continues laughing.

JORDYN: We've never had a title match so how do you know that you're better than all the other divas? I don't care if I'm teaming up with Paige tonight and I don't care if you have a match against her at Wrestlemania. Either way, I think you'll find whatever the outcome is at Wrestlemania, I will be the next Divas Champion.

Jordyn rolls her eyes and looks at Tamina.

JORDYN: It'll be fun seeing how well you can do without your bodyguard, AJ. I mean, she is the reason why you've still got the title.

AJ: No, no, no. I've got the title because I worked hard for it.

JORDYN: Having someone fight your opponent for you and then just using your finisher in your opponent isn't hard work. It's pathetic. Fight your own fights.

Jordyn glances back up at Tamina.

JORDYN: In all honesty, you should know better.

AJ scoffed and left, dragging Tamina along with her. Jordyn laughed to herself and shook her head and the camera stopped.

Wayne clapped. "Nice, nice. We don't need to do it again."

Jonah nodded to Tamina, AJ and myself for us to walk over to gorilla. We followed him and Saraya was there warming up. We greeted each other and AJ's music hit first. Tamina walked out alongside of her.

Next, Saraya's music hit and the crowd had mixed emotions, some booed, some cheered.

Finally, my music hit and as I walked onto the stage, adrenaline rushed through my veins and I felt like I was on top of the world. The crowd cheered and chanted my name as I walked down the ramp. I slapped hands and hugged a young fan who was holding up a sign that had a picture of me holding a divas title. It was obviously fake considering the fact that I've never been divas champ. I entered the ring and eyed AJ and Tamina. AJ seemed uncomfortable. I eyed Paige and rolled my eyes.

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