Chapter 4: Letters

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The police were finally done with their investigations at school. So it means that school is back.

They said that the case was 'unsolved'.

I sighed as I reached my locker. Jody's locker was right next to mine. I missed talking to her every time I got to school.

When I opened my locker, a paper fell out of it. I picked it up, unfolded it and saw a letter inside.

Ms. Kate wants to see you. Now.

I looked around, expecting to be pranked by someone. But they were all busy doing something, and today seemed like a pretty normal day.

Then I saw something written at the bottom of the letter.

Love, Josie

Who was Josie anyway? I felt as if I'd been pranked, but I still went to Ms. Kate's office.

I knocked on the door three times. Knock, knock, knock.

"Come in," Ms. Kate called out.

I nervously opened the door, my hands shivering. Then I thought about why I even bothered to follow the directions in the letter. But it was too late anyway.

"Oh, Lyla," Ms. Kate smiled. "I've been wanting to call you to come here. Did anyone tell you I called you?"

The letter was right! Ms. Kate did want me to come to her office.

"Yeah, my teacher told me," I lied.

"Okay. Well, you're here because the police has suspected you," Ms. Kate smiled.

"Suspected me? For what?" I asked.

"For last week's death," she said. "Someone killed her."

"Well, it's not my fault somebody killed Jody," I protested.

Ms. Kate nodded. "And you know who the girl is?" she said, laughing sarcastically. "You should. You can't just kill a girl you don't know, right?"

"I didn't kill her," I said in anger.

And as I said that, papers from her files flew everywhere. She stood up, stunned. Who knocked out all those papers?

I leaned back, also shocked to see the little doll on her desk begin to wobble. Then it dropped onto the floor with a crash.

"Lyla Avenue, stop whatever you're doing right now!" Ms. Kate commanded.

Was it me who was causing all this?

Did I have telekinesis (the power to move objects with your mind)?

I didn't know what to do.

"Stop!" I yelled.

And everything stopped.

Ms. Kate looked at me in shock.

I grabbed my bag, got out of the room and ran to the nearest toilet.

I took several breaths and dropped to the floor. And then I heard the door lock.

"What the hell!?" I screamed in frustration and confusion.

Then I looked up. And guess what I saw?


"Jody, you've got to help me," I cried.

She bent down on her knees. "That wasn't you," she said.

I looked at her. "That wasn't me, right? I didn't move things with my mind, right?"

She shook her head. "Nope," she whispered. "That was me. I got so angry, I started to break some of her stuff."

"And how do I explain that to her!?" I yelled.

Her full eyes went red. "At least calm down!" she roared.

"I'm sorry," I apologized. "I'm sorry."

Her eyes went back to normal. "It's okay. It's okay. I'm sorry as well." She took a deep breath. "Just.. Tell her you don't know what happened."

"Yeah, like she'll believe me," I muttered.

And then she was gone.

"J-Jody?" I muttered. "Jody!" I yelled.

Then the door was unlocked.

Then I got it. Jody locked the door so she could talk to me. Now I know that whenever a door was locked, Jody would come.

She must've left because a janitor was unlocking the door with some keys.

"Hey, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave," she told me. "I need to wipe the floor. And don't lock the door anymore, understand?"

I nodded, got off the floor, grabbed my stuff, ran out to the teachers' room and asked for a phone to call my mum. I didn't want to go to Ms. Kate's office and talk to her.

One of the teachers asked me, "Why don't you just go to the office instead?"

So I answered, "I couldn't find her."

Luckily, Coach Musel, my P.E. teacher let me use his phone. And in half an hour, my mum came to school and sent me home.

Love, JosieWhere stories live. Discover now