On the other side, Liam was enjoying the sun on his skin. He felt so relaxed after releasing his first EP and making heavy promo from that. He needed rest, enjoying some time off. The only thing missing was Zayn.

He looked at the sky, remembering and thinking about all the good times. He needed his loved one beside him. He checked his cracked screened phone and there was no new messages. He didn't know if he should feel sad or relieved. He got back to the luxurious summer apartment and cooked a little bit. It was so relaxing for him.

Zayn woke up the next morning. He brushed his hair, dressed and made his luggage. He decided that no matter what, even if he risked to lose his job. All he wanted was to be near the ones he loved.

He rang his manager.

-Hello! his boss answered

-I'm leaving, don't chase me, you have enough material to put on my record, Zayn let out.

-you can't do this, you have a contract you know! told the manager.

-it's my life, I'll do anything I want, I'm tired to be stuck in contracts which i couldn't create properly so bye, Zayn hunged up.

Zayn asked his driver to get him at the airport. He really wanted to make Liam smile and coming to surprise him. The flight was long, nine long hours, but Zayn knew that at the end, it's going to be worth it.

Liam was a little bit worried that Zayn didn't text or call. He had a message from his mum so he called her back to give him some news and to reassure her everything was fine. He was the only boy of his family, so Karen sometimes worrying about her only son. He watch a little bit of telly then fell asleep on the couch.

When he woke up, he was in the bed. Confused, he wondered what happened when he heard a familiar voice msinging happily in the kitchen.

Minutes later, Zayn showed up with a big plate, full of food. He kissed Liam gently on the lips.

-Hey, you're finally up? When I arrived here, you were already asleep! Hope you like my surprise? asked Zayn.

-Of course baby, this place is  gorgeous, but missed you and now you're there it will be millions of time more wonderful, replied Liam.

-let's eat, we'll have plenty of time to talk, i told my manager to f*ck off, Zayn laughed. I needed a break from work and my mind wasn't the same without you.

-you really did that? I hope they won't punish you? I mean, we all have contracts no? Liam said, biting on his grilled toast.

-Yeah, but you know, I'm tired of being harassed and people telling me what I should do and what I should not musically, I know you understand, all mi wanted was being by your side and enjoying the good inspiring moments, told Zayn softly.

-Love you baby, thanks for the wonderful surprise, replied Liam.

Zayn smiled and they both finishing to eat the breakfast. They got out of bed and walked on the beach, looking at the blue sea. They sat down in the bleached sand, hand in hand, looking at the dreamy landscape.

-I've always dreamed of a quiet place like this, started Liam. And now you're here, you know maybe we can consider buying this place?

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